Bill Slawski, the person who educated thousands of search engine optimization experts, and even engineers with his over 2000 articles with millions of words for explaining the complex search engine systems were taken from us on 19th May 2022.
Bill Slawski is a Philosopher of Search, and Search Engines because he wasn’t only explaining search systems, patents, and designs, but he was also questioning them by suggesting better methods. Bill Slawski worked as Director of Search Marketing for Go Fish Digital, and he is the author of SEO by the Sea.
He started his SEO career before Google existed, in the AltaVista era. In fact, he was one of the people who contributed to the naming of SEO. “Search Engine Ranking”, “Search Ranking”, “Search Engine Visibility”, and “Search Visibility Marketing” were used while Bill started SEO as a full-time job.
He was a court clerk in 1996 and spent too much time with patents during his job. He has met with many important people from the SEO industry during this time, such as Loren Baker, founder of Search Engine Journal. And, he encouraged Loren Baker to start the Search Engine Journal, why he is starting the SEO by the Sea, which is the blog that created educated thousands of SEO experts.
Bill Slawski was a patent expert, and business analysis professional. Bill used thousands of search, translation, information retrieval, and user experience-related patents to understand search engines in a comparative way. He was one of the first people who focused on patents to understand search engines’ general direction, and methods. Bill Slawski created an enormous amount of useful information for search engine optimization. For example, he was the first person who mentioned: “entities” and “entity-oriented search” on the open web with Google patents. He focused on every vertical of search with SEO Theories. Thus, SEO Theoretician is a title for Bill Slawski. Bill used SEO Theories to change the perspectives of the Search Engine Optimization experts, like Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR. Bill has written and analyzed the search engines from different angles, from storage, computation, ranking, modification of rankings, association, fact extraction, image recognition, classification, speech recognition, summary creation, link text indexing, index partitioning, phrase list creation, tuple and triple creation from entities and attribute values, semantics, natural language processing, natural language understanding, and generation and more. Bill Slawski touched every angle, side, and infrastructure of search engines to understand, evaluate and teach them to the industry.
Bill Slawski started SEO by the Sea in 2005, in the Chesapeake Bay, when he started to write about search engine optimization. Bill has supported the first SEO Community creation process since the beginning of SEO wasn’t organized. SEO is not taught in schools. Thus, the first SEOs were the people who did other things but also loved search engines and internet marketing. Thus, Bill Slawski played a major role in the creation of the main SEO groups, and online publishers like Search Engine Journal. Bill Slawski found the name SEO by the Sea while writing about SEO near the sea in Havre de Grace, Maryland.
Bill Slawski is the author of Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land, and GoFishDigital. Bill Slawski has written articles on other blogs and SEO information sources and published more than 2000 articles with more than one million words in total. He started to write about search engine patents in 2005. He was a guest on many SEO Podcasts like Kalicube Tuesdays, Edge of the Web, SEMrush De, Rankranger, SEO Conspiracy, and more. Bill Slawski
Bill Slawski was a kind SEO. Bill Slawski educated many industry leaders. Koray Tugberk GUBUR stated in an interview with Reboot that Bill Slawski knew about the Google Updates even before it happened. Bill Slawski found many search engine optimization concepts, and their explanations, first. Thus, Bill is called an SEO Pioneer. Bill Slawski found “OneBox” results, their definitions, Google Panda Update Patents, Google Penguin Update Patents, Google Quality Signals, Page Segmentation patents, Google Site Search Query Signals, Google Query Refinement, and Rewriting Signals and Methodologies for the first time. Bill Slawski is the first person who understands that video content will be the future of the search and marketing industry. Bill Slawski stated that the Google Video will be too important, and its equivalent YouTube, suppressed the Google search engine from many aspects by leveraging the video content.
Bill Slawski has touched on many areas of internet marketing. From digital music marketing to local brand creation. Bill Slawski helped many SEOs in overcoming many problems related to search engine understanding. Search Engine Understanding involves understanding how a search engine makes its decisions based on decision trees. Bill Slawski explained multiple levels of decision trees for search engines.
Bill Slawski has created an enormous search engine optimization legacy and tradition for academic search engine optimization experts. Bill explained Google inventions as an Outsider, but better than insider Googlers. Bill Slawski is respected by the SEO Community and Industry for being a pioneer, innovator, and educator.
Bill Slawski was a kind person who helped people. He lived his entire life in the USA, mainly in Carlsbad, California. Bill loved flowers, sunsets, and walking on the beach, watching the sea. He had a diligent personality and enjoyed helping others. Bill always answered the messages, questions, and wishes from the community. He was always mentioned with respect by the SEO and Internet Marketing community. Bill Slawski created many visionary changes, and he convinced many SEOs to use search patents for their own careers. In fact, he even changed how SEO is done. Bill Slawski has been respected in the international SEO community, including in French, Spanish, German, and English-speaking countries. Thus, finding a good mention of Bill Slawski’s name with positive sentiments is not hard in any language.
What are the thoughts, feelings, and words about Bill Slawski?
The section “thoughts, feelings, and words about Bill Slawski” contains his personal feelings, about Bill Slawski to explain his value, affect, and contribution to the search community.
Bill Slawski was someone who treated everyone with kindness, even those who were rude to him. When I learned that his health was deteriorating, I started asking him every day how he was doing. Once, I was afraid he’d say don’t ask anymore, but each time he kindly explained his situation. Even when I asked him a small question, he had the energy to sit for hours and connect a patent that Google received in 2001 to an invention today. Sometimes I would ask him how he remembers them, and he would say to me that I don’t remember, I have internalized them now.
I always thank Bill Slawski for every SEO Case Study I publish, because without him, I wouldn’t have written an SEO Case Study even once. For me, he was the Charles Darwin of SEO. Charles Darwin showed people the reality of another possibility hundreds of years ago, he was the first to dare to say, research, and write. Bill Slawski was more knowledgeable than any of the Google engineers and executives. Many things that seemed algorithmic had been obvious to him years ago. Without Bill Slawski, I wouldn’t have believed in Google’s patents or Google’s research papers. He created a new way of thinking for search engine optimization. Google has always tried and tried to hide what it’s doing, what it will do, or how it will do it. But, while Bill Slawski is writing all the search patents, it wasn’t that easy to hide the agenda of the search engine. Thus, I always thought that Bill Slawski was a problem for Google, and that’s why they didn’t touch him on Twitter, or other places because none of the Googlers have the same amount of search engine understanding talents. He was more Googler than Googlers without being a member of Google. The search engines always try to hide their own algorithms to prevent the “gaming of the system”, and the patent languages involve legal language. Thus, understanding the search engines via patents is not easy, but when someone reads all the patents and puts them into order by explaining all the connections, and external third-party sources, logically, an important amount of people can understand the search engines. And, if they can understand search engines, it means that they can optimize for the better. Bill Slawski has conceptualized the entire SEO from the ground, even if most SEOs are not aware of even the 95% of these concepts, for the ones who can read from 4 to 6 hours a day. Bill Slawski created the best possible resources.
For example, the Topical Authority Concept comes from Bill Slawski’s articles. And, when I use the Importance of Topical Authority SEO case study which changed the state of the SEO and revolutionized the understanding community for semantic SEO suddenly, has been written thanks to Bill Slawski. That’s why, in the article, I thanked Bill Slawski for putting together all these resources for us. Bill Slawski has seen the “Complex Adaptive Systems” of search engines from multiple angles and helped many SEOs to understand the situation of the SERP that can be caused by a few changed web pages 6 months ago. He explained how search engines give decisions based on facts, authority, and web entities. Since understanding the patents was not easy, Bill Slawski explained things, making them easier to digest. But, since most SEOs do not read enough levels, only a few people could explain, understand, internalize and implement these things. And, only a few of them explained how these things worked. Thus, Bill and I had a special connection. I always thought of myself as a student of Bill Slawski. He was my mentor. He was one of the three people that I have put his name on to my website. Furthermore, he has given the quote below.
“Understand your audiences and who they provide goods and services. The better you understand what your customers are doing (interview their customer service and salespeople), that can help set you up for success. Know the words that your customers will search with to find your pages, and expect to see on your pages.”
Bill Slawski
And, he was the first person that I asked for a quote. It was before I launched
Bill Slawski closed the gap between search engine engineers and search engine optimization experts. Martin Splitt tries to close the gap between developers and search engine optimization experts. Bill had a more useful and harder role than Martin. Bill Slawski’s articles were found to live in my SEO Case Studies, and many people started to read the patents by saying that the “Bill is apparently right”. A legal paper is not easy to digest or read and understand. And, to be able to have a solid background for understanding the patents, and creating SEO Methodologies from them, a person needs to read them for many years and for hours a day. Thus, when I implemented his conceptualization of SEO, and terminology for SEO elements, people found a new gateway to the actual heart of information sources for search engines. And, still, I know that it is not clear enough, because to prove a single point, still we need to write more than 30,000 words. That’s why my SEO Case Studies are too long.

Why is Bill Slawski Charles Darwin of SEO?
Bill Slawski is called Charles Darwin of SEO because he is the first one who dares examine search engine patents with 100% detail and dedication. Many SEO Experts have written, told, and mentioned that they made millions of dollars thanks to the articles of Bill Slawski. Bill has uncovered the algorithms of search engines, and he did in a way that people who can endure hours of reading can understand. He created a bridge between search engines, and the SEOs to explain how they work, worked and can work, will work.
Bill Slawski is similar to Charles Darwin since he created an entirely new possibility of search engine understanding, and structured his thoughts and research in a way that even the search engines can’t deny. Thus, despite all the articles that Bill Slawski has written, even once, Google couldn’t say that it is not the case. Even if search engines deny what Bill says, we all know how Charles Darwin won his arguments after 2 centuries.
Why is Bill Slawski a Philosopher of Search?
Bill Slawski is a philosopher of search, because he improved search system understanding, examined the inventions, analyzed the search businesses, and created new channels to understand the search engines. Bill Slawski has seen 20 years of search improvements before any improvement happened. He knew which inventors would write what based on their previous inventions and knowledge. Bill Slawski wasn’t just writing or explaining the patents. He was explaining where the search should go, and why it should go. And, search engines even followed his insights, research, and foresight.
Bill Slawski has created different types of information repositories to understand the concepts of search engines. He created different search verticals, and concept groups in a connected way. He focused on ranking, crawling, indexing, understanding, associating, augmenting, expanding, and many other things from the search engine side. Furthermore, he created his own concepts and definitions, for the search engines’ problems that he encountered.
The search engine understanding started with Bill Slawski. Bill created new possibilities for SEOs to think, consider, and optimize during their search engine optimization projects.
How did Bill Slawski start the Disciplined and Structured Mindset for SEO?
A disciplined and Structured Mindset for SEO involves a mindset that focuses on every detail for the search engines to improve the organic visibility and conversion of the web entities. Bill Slawski has explained how a single web page or anchor text can change the entire semantic content network’s ranking capacity or a website’s overall quality, and how that change can affect the situation of the other websites on the SERP.
In a disciplined and structured mindset for SEO, Bill Slawski has given some examples to help SEOs think.
- A search engine also indexes the internal links, and external links to create a link graph.
- A search engine indexes anchor tags along with the documents.
- The anchor tags are used as semantic annotations.
- A semantic annotation can be used as a query auto-suggestion.
- A query auto-suggestion can change based on the popularity of an anchor tag.
- A changed query auto-suggestion can affect the overall relevance of documents to a query.
- The overall relevance of the documents to a query affects the rankings.
In other words, a single change on a single web page can affect the rankings on every query network with a butterfly effect. In Holistic SEO, the web entities are optimized for every possibility, and the websites are made the central source for determining the closeness and distance between the documents regarding relevance. Bill Slawski started an extended amount of chained control lists based on the SEO’s will and motivation to read the patents. He created filtration methods for patents and research papers to understand which ones are more important, which ones are highly-applicable, and why.
For example, if a patent uses neural networks or deep learning, it means that they are using it, because it is cheaper, more effective, and a more popular new technology. Thus, he could find all the old patents that were being replaced by new technologies. With these correlations, he could understand how Google could understand some new queries, or search and real-world behaviors better. In fact, in 2019, I published an article that claims that Google can know the physical location of your picture. Imagine that you are taking a picture, and Google knows where the picture is being taken. And, via, and patents, along with research like Google Landmarks, I have proven it. And, most of the proof came from Google. Later, Google also announced this fact, and they published the 3D Navigation with the Android and Apple phones via the camera view. Via store names, they could state navigational instructions. Below, you can see the article.
Below, you can see a tweet that I sent 1 year after the article.
Below, you can see the screenshot that I have taken from Google Maps directly, 1 year later.
And, this is only a single example out of one million that Bill Slawski showed the future of search beyond our imagination, by examining patents, analyzing search engines, and creating better methodologies with his insights. And, this is the hard part of being an SEO Theoretician and Philosopher. Giving the proof for a single SEO Theory requires too much sampling and data gathering along with the time. Thus, when I publish my SEO Case Studies, I put multiple websites to prove my point despite most SEOs trying to put a single website for their weak case studies, because most of the time, SEOs try to do marketing with case studies. And, that’s why their case studies are not known or remembered. But, when you prove a thing with a case study, it is remembered as the articles of Bill Slawski from 2005. Because, he shows the future, the reasons, and the fundamentals. And, since proving these things are hard for newbies, they need to read more and more. Also, gathering this information, and serving it always, is not easy. For example, I published more things about the Google Street Visual Queries, but since I couldn’t find them back, I didn’t put them here. But, I know that I have written them before. Thus, in my SEO Case Studies, I try to structure everything in a single place. That’s why they are long and cite Bill Slawski everywhere. And, that’s why most people are not able to understand what happens in the case of studies because they do not read the background.

Thus, The Structured and Disciplined Mindset for SEO was created by Bill Slawski, and it is used and improved by Koray Tuğebrk GÜBÜR to create the Holistic SEO Understanding and Holistic SEO Company. Optimize for everything, and listen to search engine spokespersons, only it makes sense.
Why was Bill Slawski a threat to the Commercial Search Engine Companies?
Bill Slawski was a threat to commercial search engines, because, he explained, their secrets. Even if search engine spokespersons rejected these patents or their explanations, it doesn’t mean that the search engine didn’t use them. Every patent is a cost for the search engine, and they try to protect themselves from competitors with every patent by saying that this technology belongs to us. And, using something is different from thinking about using something. But still, both of these situations are highly relevant to the overall situation of search engines, because it shows their mentality, and how they value that possibility. By understanding their mindset, we can understand why they do something, or why they do not do something.
In the late years, Google started to be more and more closed to its own internal agenda while showing fancy graphs, announcements, and explanations. Thus, we always need a piercing eye, an eye that can see the internal agenda of the big multinational companies. Bill Slawski was a piercing eye to see the internal agenda of Google, and other search engines with his daily comments. And, Bill Slawski is a piercing eye to Google and other search engines with his articles.
That’s why, we didn’t see any kind of Google, Microsoft Bing, or Yandex-related search advocate to answer him even once despite him explaining the biggest and strongest statements about the SEO.
Search Engine Optimization has reached a new peak thanks to Bill Slawski, thus many search engine engineers had to refresh their algorithms, or change their current stance on a topic. Many SEOs used different methods than other website operators, thanks to Bill Slawski, to convince the search engines in different ways.
Why did Holistic SEO take Bill Slawski as a Thought Leader?
Holistic SEO is a methodology and mindset for the SEO that gives the name of the Holistic SEO company to itself. Holistic SEO is started by Bill Slawski long ago. Bill always connected the Android Data to the Voice Search Data and make guesses to understand and explain Google’s stance and the possibility of changes on a topic. Bill Slawski is an eternal Search Philosopher whose articles will live and show the light for the people who try to understand the search ecosystems.
In the future, the search will evolve, and search engines will change. In the future, people will search directly from the brain, and they will get immediate results from the brain with different images, or thought transitions. And, to understand which result set is better than which one, and which result should be used by whom, Bill Slawski’s corpora and organized thoughts will be used to understand the future. None of the search engineers can read all the patents, or none of the search innovators or entrepreneurs can read thousands of patents to connect each other or take the research for every vertical of search engines to understand them as a whole. But, Bill Slawski already created many strong and fundamental conclusions and research road maps, research papers of thousands of pages to explain how the search changed, evolved, and optimized, how the search engines worked and can work, should work, and how the optimization should be done for them. The most important part is that Bill Slawski has created the search philosophy from the ground up as a search philosopher, optimizer, and designer. He appeared on every side of the search-related improvements. Thus, he is more valuable than Amit Singhal, or Vannevar Bush. Because those names appeared only on the single side of the search, they were both engineers and innovators, but not optimizers. And, they were engineers and innovators for only a single side of the search. Vannevar focused on automated retrieval systems to create a knowledge vault, and Amit Singhal has defended the rule-based systems to improve the real-time search. But, Bill Slawski has examined every vertical and predicted the future of the search in a correct way. Thus, he is the origin of Holistic SEO opinion. Bill Slawski used the disciplined and structured mindset for search engine optimization by creating strong arguments, and trainees.
What to learn from Bill Slawski’s Life?
Bill Slawski’s Life represents examples, lessons, and concise results for any people who try to leverage the information, and knowledge for search systems. Bill Slawski has spent 17 years of his life to make research on search engines and changed the face of the industry by writing articles, performing podcasts, and attending webinars as a speaker. Bill Slawski has written more than 2500 articles, and he is cited by hundreds of thousands of websites over the last 25 years to prove a point or make an announcement for a search engine. Bill is the proof that a single person can change tens of thousands of people directly, and millions of people indirectly. Because, many SEOs have implemented his ideas, and his suggestions for shaping the SERP, and whenever you click a blue title from a query search result, Bill Slawski lives with his effect on the SERP. Thus, a person should focus on the creating effect for changing the people’s lives positively, directly or indirectly. 99.99% of the web search engine users do not know the name, Bill Slawski, even if they live with his positive effect.
Bill Slawski always has written for the people like him. He didn’t change his style, he didn’t change his understanding, or talking style for others. He didn’t care about the look or the background of the person. Furthermore, he didn’t discriminate against people, he has chosen his companions according to their knowledge, and honesty in an industry. Bill has answered every person and answered their questions with information and kindness. Thus, Bill Slawski taught people the lesson of changing others without breaking their hearts but affecting their mindset directly or indirectly.
Human history has seen many genius people, and some of them conquered lands, some of them wrote poems, while others created tools. Bill Slawski was a genius and philosopher who created mindsets, to understand complex adaptive systems to solve multi-layered problems. If you are able to think like Bill Slawski, you can change the world, as he did.
How did Bill Slawski affect the Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR?
Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR has said the words below for describing how Bill Slawski affected him.
Note: This section is especially useful to see how Koray Tugberk GUBUR learned the SEO and improved himself. Thus, it shows great prominence for the ones who want to learn search engine optimization.
“I have read my first Bill Slawski article in 2016. I was an intern at a company. I was trying to understand the SEO overall, because, during my internship, I couldn’t learn or see enough level of innovative SEO, or information on SEO. Because most of the SEO blogs were repeating themselves. There were many famous SEOs who show himself/herself on the stage, but none of them were giving any kind of unique information. Mostly, they were repeating the same old information. And, whenever I try their methodologies, the results wouldn’t change that much. And, one day, I have seen Bill Slawski’s blog, SEO by the Sea. It was a highly different website for me. Everything is explained historically, and with teeny tiny details, possibilities, methods, and background of the search engines in SEO by the Sea. Everything on the SEO by the Sea was hard to understand and hard to read, but once I was able to understand it, I always felt that I am doing something better, and right. Then, I started to read them for more than 4 hours a day, at least for the next three years. And, whenever I use a concept from Bill Slawski’s conceptualization, it was easier to explain something, or it was way much more proven than regular traditional SEO explanations. Bill Slawski created an entirely new way of SEO. Thanks to Bill Slawski I was able to understand how the search engines work, might work, might not work, will work. I started to use his concepts and findings for my own SEO Projects by putting all of them into my SEO Presentations, strategies, and clients who loved them. Also, all the results were better gradually, and clients even liked it more. I must tell that any SEO who doesn’t love the reading, or SEO itself, any SEO who only distributes the same deck over the stages just for getting more fame, and clients can’t like the Bill Slawski. These greedy and fake SEOs do not like me either. They always expect us to tell “what to change on a page” concretely, but they do not focus on the actual theories behind the search engines, and reasons for the possible changes. They do not have any kind of testing culture, or data-science understanding, and definitely 0 passion for search engine optimization. Furthermore, they do the Search Engine Optimization only for making money, and usually, they lose money, they do not love the process, or they do not understand the process. But, Bill Slawski has created a new way of search engine optimization. He taught people how academic thinking, reading, and understanding can help their understanding of SEO. Thanks to Bill Slawski, I published my first SEO Case Study in 2020. Of course, an SEO Case Study doesn’t mean SEO Success, it means that you formulate how the search engine works, and how you convinced it. I can tell that all the theories that I have proven until now, including Topical Authority, or Semantics, I have used only but only Bill Slawski’s inspiration. When I publish my first SEO Case Study (OnCrawl – Case Study), Bill Slawski shared it and thanked me for giving value to the SEO’s theoretical side. Then, it continued like it. I have published 7 SEO Case Studies with more than 15 successful websites, and all of them thanked Bill Slawski openly. Bill also introduced many good, and useful concepts for my SEO Career, along with people. For example, no one explained the concept of Information Retrieval, or PageRank, Entities, Attributes, and Query Processing as Bill Slawski did. Or, no one has known the value of Hobo-web, and Shaun Anderson while Bill Slawski has given many useful links for them. Bill Slawski is the most important and prominent person in the SEO History who changed the entire face of SEO permanently while touching the lives of millions indirectly between the queries, SERPs, and clicks.
During my time with Bill, regularly I asked him how is his health. He always said that he is okay. And, I believe he hid his situation from the industry on purpose, so as not to cause any kind of problem or sadness for the people. He was exercising, eating healthy, and taking care of his own health. He was working on walking again, and everything was fine. But, during this time, I believe he always knew the possibility of negative things. And, he didn’t tell them even once, despite I asking every day. I believe this shows his kindness.
Above, you will see my message to Bill, while I am not known that much. And, you will see his immediate result like we know each other.
And, this is my second message to him while learning, SEO. Another message from me is below.
And, his long explanation is here.
My third message to him is below.
And, Bill’s helpful and encouraging message is below.
It is important to note that, whatever I tell, Bill already knew these, and he always answered people because he wanted to connect and be helpful. Honestly, I want to help people, but I can’t endure people while they are explaining something that I already know. Thus, Bill Slawski was definitely a better person and communicator than me.
Another direct message from the Bill to me. I have read Amit Singhal’s only interview thanks to him, and I started to understand their angle first time in a better way. And, that’s why I believe that it is the only interview that Amit has given. I was able to read it, thanks to Bill Slawski.
Just three days later, I have written this.
I ask him whether he thinks of opening a school or not, and he tells me this.
“People do learn from them…” Even if we try our best, still only a few people who can read all these things for years can understand them. He also introduced me to Dave Davies first time.
And, let me show how specific we were with Bill to understand the search engines.
The Google Assistant actions are not talked about by any SEOs. But Google calls these phrases or words “hot words”, and Bill has written many things about the “voice” and “Google” intersection whether it is a touch screen, or voice command, or an android phone which listens to the background music for better music search.
The answer of Bill Slawski is above. And, I can tell that while even re-reading my dialogue with Bill, I still learn from our passion for the search engines. And, Google learns from even the “reCAPTCHA” images, to use them as a machine-learning system for “image recognition” and “classification of images”. And, Google recognizes the background music via Android phones, they get patents to understand and clean the voice, or the melody. Then, we also get the “Google hum” which is a search system to find the music based on the “half song-like melodies that are made by mouth”.
Most SEOs do not connect these Google services and products “interchangeably” to each other. That’s why they also do not think holistically. But, if you want to optimize things for search engines, you have to understand their all technologies, and improvements. For example, many times, I shared AI-related Google posts, and he also shared this thought by connecting them to the search engines.
For example, below you can see another example from Bill Slawski.
Bill has shown how the “words” are connected to the “actions”. And, this is related to the voice search, along with the “hot words” to trigger the Google Assistant again. It is also prominent how an SEO should optimize for the voice search.
For example, this message from me to Bill shows the same understanding as below.
And, one of my first international SEO events was Serpstat SEO Chat, and I asked the question below to Bill since he was my mentor.
And, this is the answer Bill.
Since he liked the first one, you can see the output of the SERPSTAT Chat event below.
Bill also attended the event, and he encouraged me and helped me with the questions, and also the answers. And, why did I tell the Bill?
Again, you see my perspective 3 years ago, and what I was complaining about to the Bill Slawski, today it is still the same. And, during my Understanding the Semantics article, this is how the dear Jason Barnard defined me.
“He learns a lot from the Bill Slawski”, Jason says. And, this is what I have shared during my first SEO Case Study, 5 times I made a citation to Bill Slawski. I said a citation because I write my case studies in a way that even the researchers from 100 years later can benefit from them to understand the search engines or search’s themselves with practical results.
And, this is another SEO Case Study that I have written by citing and thanking Bill Slawski and Shaun Anderson.
And, while I am creating the Holistic SEO, I asked Bill to give me a quote from him. He has given the quote below.
“Understand your audiences and who they provide goods and services. The better you understand what your customers are doing (interview their customer service and salespeople), that can help set you up for success.”
“Know the words that your customers will search with to find your pages, and expect to see on your pages.”
Bill Slawski
And, Bill Slawski came to my events, and always behaved with kindness.
After an event, I am thanking Dear Bill Slawski as above. Another sample that I am reading and learning from Bill Slawski.
An article from 2009 with Bill Slawski’s mindset can show the 3009 of the search. It is interesting that Bill also mentioned Hamlet for certain topics. Hamlet Batista is also a dear, perfect mentor and innovator for us.
And, it was a rare situation that two of my mentors, one for coding and automation, one for SEO and search theories, patents, and research mentioned each other. I know that they knew each other already. But, still, it makes me feel better to see that.
Above, I ask a question to Bill Slawski for an article that he has written together with the Dear Lily Ray. Bill Slawski has suggested his new articles, or research to me regularly, and while managing a company, it wasn’t that easy to read these articles, because I didn’t have the same amount of time for spending regularly researching new things as before.
Above, you see a section from my journey of learning SEO with Bill Slawski. And, there are two articles that are taken into the bookmark. Actually, that SEJ article is also from him too.
And, I regularly send his articles to him to ask further questions or take information from him. Below, you can find a question that I ask Bill Slawski by saying, “how can I remember the things that I learn from you.” And, you can also see that Bill, actually updates his content regularly.
And, during my journey to learning SEO, I can show thousands of screenshots like these. Always, it is a research paper, a concept, a patent, or a possibility, and analysis with Bill Slawski. Below, you will see how he actually explains search engine patents with classification for different topics.
Sometimes, he was sending me his latest research, or the research that is relevant to my latest work. And, an example of education is below. After his stroke, I was regularly asked how he is, and after a point, I thought that everything is okay, and there is no danger anymore for him. I still feel bad for not talking with him more for the last month.
Since I was spending too much time training my employees, I was tired. And, I was told I am trying to save time from the employees for researching the new things.
Below, you can find another example that we are sharing information about Google’s latest AI systems. This one is about generating page layouts based on the existing web page’s layouts. And, there are already AI systems to suggest new block levels for web page layouts. But, this one was prominent to understand how Google can segment the web pages.
And, a simple share like this with a mentor represents contributing to the future of the search. Even if I was able to contribute a single article from his side, it means that I am also part of his effect. And, that possibility always made me happy.
When I created my first broad research for query processing which has taken 3 months, I sent it to the Bill. And, Bill naturally said that “I have seen those before. :)”. Because what I learned also came from him. And, I used my semantic SEO information and knowledge based on his perception, and skills.
I shared these types of research papers with him, and he always knew the inventors or the researchers directly. Since I also read the patents of search regularly and from the first source, sometimes it was hard to choose which patent is better or which one is more valid.
Bill helped me for understanding patents and the search technologies in terms of finding and evaluating them, too. Below, you will find another example. I was trying to find the sitemap of the SEO by the Sea for protecting all the articles in a direct way. And, it was interesting to see that he was talking about HTML Sitemaps, then I also have written about HTML Sitemaps by making some research about them.
There are more samples that show how Bill Slawski has educated me on SEO.
This is another sample that how Bill Slawski backed me up.
And, I also attended one of the meetings of Bill Slawski to discuss the SEO updates and events.
Bill regularly invited people to his hangout. And, due to my immense schedule of mine, I could only attend these events only once. And, now, I regret it. Lately, I realize the death more, and the true purpose of the individual. Thus, lately, I also spend less time with the clients, or not more than necessary. And, I get stricter against them. I can definitely tell that I do not want to miss these types of events anymore, and I want to be part of these lovely geniuses’ life part more and more. Today, I can find any client that I want, but I can’t speak with Bill again. This fact kills me, but I know, eventually, I will be able to see him, maybe in this dimension, or maybe in another. And, I will always be in debt against Bill.
After reading the “Bill and Ammon’s Bogus Hangout”, I was surprised to see the Ammon Jones in Brighton SEO. It was a huge surprise for me. Because my face and name memory get weaker every week. Managing a company with multiple teams made this to me. And, I am lucky that I was able to take a picture with Bill Slawski’s close friend, Ammon Jones, even if I do not have a picture with Bill Slawski.
Maybe, this is my destiny. Whoever educated me, I couldn’t take a picture with them, including Hamlet Batista, which gives his quote for the Python SEO section of the Holistic SEO.
To prove the point, and express my feelings about Bill Slawski while showing that I have learned the Search Engine Optimization, I have put some screenshots of my talks with Bill. I can tell that these screenshots are only 1% of Bill’s communication with me. Because the real communication between people happens when they move in the same direction.
Bill Slawski is the Charles Darwin of SEO. His teachings, learnings, methodologies, mindset, and methodologies for search, search engines, and search engine optimization show the way to the future of search while helping to improve the search ecosystem.
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I sure hope you feel OK. Your testimonial felt good by reliving Bill’s memory.
Rest in Peace Bill Slawski
When you lost someone you love who makes your time precious, you realize that “true purpose of individual” harshly.