“aria-details” ARIA Label for Accessibility

The aria-details attribute is used to notify the end-user that the element being viewed has more information for a specific object being selected.  The purpose of aria-details is to provide additional content through an assistive technology resource to display it through the current page or a designated external page. The developer can use the aria-details attribute to provide a visible section that is intended to provide the end-user with added or supplementary information from the main element. The aria-details can be used in elements such as lists of IDs that may lead to additional or linked auxiliary information. The aria-details can be used for aria-describedby, aria-label, and aria-labelledby. 

What is the function of the “aria-details” ARIA Label?

The aria-details attribute not only expands the element with its additional information, but it helps navigate end-users of each element through Assistive Technology. The aria-details handle information well when it goes through Assistive Technology, as they are not converted into flattened data strings that may affect the information being presented. Developers using the aria-details command should make it a point that all elements appear as they are intended. Aria-details provides a set of information and data in a hierarchical and organized manner. Such information may include illustrations, external links, or any form of extended information. 

What are the uses of the “aria-details” ARIA Label?

Listed below are the uses of the “aria-details” ARIA Label. 

  • Document structure roles: this defines the content in a certain section that provides standalone information. The usual roles include article, table, and heading.
  • Widget roles: The widget role includes information that is structured by authors to be interactive for users. Widget roles would comprise radio, button, and checkbox.
  • Landmark roles: The Landmark roles denote an important section of a given webpage and how it is being structured. Landmark roles may become distracting for some users when it is being overused all over the web page. 
  • Live region roles: The Live region is an interaction using Assistive Technologies to notify users, most especially the visually impaired, of any dynamic changes being done. 
  • Window roles: The Window role uses actions that generate sub-windows on specific or current pages. They may appear as pop-up windows or alert windows. 
  • Abstract roles: The Abstract roles are performed by browsers and are the basis for most ARIA roles mentioned.  

Example Uses of “aria-details” ARIA Label

Listed below are the example uses of the “aria-details” ARIA Label.

The aria-details attributes have been a useful command for authors. The aria-details create a more organized section where supplementary information can be placed and made accessible using Assistive Technologies. Listed below are some examples and the uses of the aria-details attribute.

This example shows the aria-details attribute used in a web page showcasing modern art. The specific command allows the addition of extended information that describes the illustration from the artworks presented. 

<img src="ledemoiselles.jpg" alt="​​Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" aria-details="det">
<details id="det">
    The Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is a modern art painting by Pablo Picasso that diverts from traditional techniques of painting.   
    The following drawing illustrates five prostitutes posing in nude that adds to Picasso’s collection of masterpieces.  
  <object data="modern-art.svg"  type="image/svg+xml"/>
     The painting was first seen by Picasso’s companions before it was shown in public for exhibit in 1916.    

The aria-details can be used for instances where an element is presented towards a link to a different page containing supplementary information. This creates an accessible link to related literature with the element being presented. 

<img src="pablopicassoart.jpg" alt="Pablo Picasso" aria-details="det">
  See an <a href="http://ppso.com/pt.html" id="det">Pablo Picasso’s other Collection of Paintings </a>

What are the related ARIA Labels to “aria-details”?

Listed below are the related ARIA Labels to “aria-details”.

  • aria-describedby: The aria-describedby is related to aria-details because they both define lengthier descriptions of specified elements. The aria-describedby attribute identifies specified elements and gives the object its corresponding definition or description. 
  • aria-label:  The aria-label is related to aria-details because they both provide extended information, but differs in length. The aria-label attribute identifies a specific element and provides its corresponding string value and is in short labels. 
  • aria-labelledby:  The aria-labelledby is related to aria-details because they both use the command to provide supplementary information to an element, but the aria-labelledby attribute is expressed in shorter labels. The aria-labelledby attribute provides an association between one element to a different element, in order to stipulate an accessible name for the specific element being defined.  
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“aria-details” ARIA Label for Accessibility

by Holistic SEO time to read: 3 min