599 HTTP Response Status Code Definition: Example, Usage, Methods

The 599 HTTP Status Code which means that the request is a network connection timeout error indicates that It appears that the server and a device are not communicating properly. A timeout error occurs when the server takes an excessively long time to respond to a data request. Timeout errors are designed to prevent a device from waiting indefinitely to hear back from a server. The timeout can be caused by a variety of factors. Server overload, an inexistent server, a problem with the network’s hardware, a problem with the network’s infrastructure, inactivity on the client’s end, and a data request error are among the most common causes. The difference between HTTP Status Codes 500 and 599 is that the 500 HTTP Status Codes indicate that when something unexpected happens and no other message is necessary to be displayed, a generic error message displays, whereas the 599 HTTP Status Code indicates that some HTTP proxies utilize this error to notify a client in front of the proxy of a network connection timeout behind the proxy.

What does 599 HTTP Status Code Mean?

The 599 HTTP Status Code means the network connection timeout error indicates that despite the fact that it isn’t part of any RFCs, this status code is used by some HTTP proxies to indicate to clients in front of the proxy that a network connection has timed out behind the proxy.

How to Use 599 HTTP Status Code for a Website?

To use the 599 HTTP Status Code is when there aren’t any other HTTP responses (for example timeout).

How to Check 599 HTTP Status Code?

To check the 599 HTTP Status Code use the web browser network tab and developer tools for every resource that the client uses.

Which HTTP Method is used with 599 HTTP Status Code?

The HTTP methods that are used with the 599 HTTP Status Code are given below. 

  • PUT HTTP Method: The PUT HTTP method is used in the 599 HTTP Response Status Code. The PUT method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, which frequently results in a state change or side effects on the server.
  • DELETE HTTP Method: The DELETE HTTP method is used in the 599 HTTP Response Status Code. The DELETE method erases the specified resource from the system.

There is only one related HTTP Header with 599 HTTP Status Code which is the 598 HTTP Status Code because they are both server error responses. The 598 Network Read Timeout Error HTTP Status Code indicates that some HTTP proxies utilize it to notify a client in front of the proxy about a network read timeout behind the proxy.

What are the Browsers Compatibility of 599 HTTP Status Code?

You can see the table that shows the browser’s compatibility of the 599 HTTP Status Code below. 

Browsers NameBrowser Compatibility of 599 HTTP Status Code
Internet ExplorerYES
WebView AndroidYES

What are the other Similar Status Codes to the 599 HTTP Status Code?

There are other similar HTTP Status Codes to the 599 HTTP Status Code. The following are listed below.

  • 507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV) HTTP Status Code: The 507 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 599 HTTP Status Code because they are both server error responses. The 507 HTTP Status Code indicates that the method could not be executed on the resource because the server lacks the storage required to correctly finish the request.
  • 508 Loop Detected (WebDAV) HTTP Status Code: The 508 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 599 HTTP Status Code because they are both server error responses. The 508 HTTP Status Code indicates that during the processing of the request, the server discovered an infinite loop.
  • 510 Not Extended HTTP Status Code: The 510 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 599 HTTP Status Code because they are both server error responses. The 510 HTTP Status Code indicates that the server will not be able to fulfill the request without additional extensions to it.
  • 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded HTTP Status Code: The 509 HTTP Status Code is similar to the 599 HTTP Status Code because they are both server error responses. The 509 HTTP Status Code indicates that in many cases, shared hosting providers use this as a means of restricting the amount of bandwidth that their users can use.
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599 HTTP Response Status Code Definition: Example, Usage, Methods

by Holistic SEO time to read: 3 min