Kalicube Pro is the unique, and only Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel SEO technology that focuses on E-A-T signals on the Brand SERP. Kalicube Pro provides SERP analysis to understand the brand’s position on the open web, and how the brand-related queries are perceived by search engines.
As a Knowledge Panel Management technology, Kalicube Pro provides an entity-oriented search perspective to analyze the search engine’s understanding of brand entities which is what drives Knowledge Panels. By taking data from the SERP, sentiment analysis of brand-related information on the web, Kalicube Pro makes it easy to improve a brand entity’s relevance to certain types of topics, phrases, concepts, and search intents.
Kalicube Pro as a SaaS Platform combines information directly from Google’s Knowledge Graph with information for Google’s SERPs to analyze a brand’s position on the topical map.
Why might that be important? The answer is simple! Brand prestige management and brand reputation for Search Engine Optimization is an important signal to provide a better organic search position. Thus, Kalicube Pro improves its usefulness by providing the means to manage Knowledge Panels, and optimise Brand SERPs… along with the amazing bonus that it shines a light on otherwise hidden insights to improve your brand’s reputation.
kalicube Pro is an advanced platform that is most suited to digital agencies wishing to optimise Brand SERPs, manage Knowledge Panels, improve PR, and deal with ORM issues for their clients.
How to Use Kalicube Pro for Brand SERP Optimization?
To use the Kalicube Pro, the first step is to create an Entity Group from the graphical user interface. To create an entity group with entity names, types, and entity homes, you can follow the process below. As a first step, you should create an entity group by clicking the Account Home’s Create Entity Group.

At the second step, choose a name for the Entity Group name.

At the third step, choose an entity name, entity home, and entity type as below.

I have chosen “Rand Fishkin” as an example entity to demonstrate an Entity Identity analysis using Kalicube Pro. The entity type of Rand Fishkin is “Person”, and the entity home URL is the URL from Rand Fishkin’s company. Importantly, the Entity Home is somthing Google often imposes, but that we need to ensure we control. So, here, Rand’s Entity Home is Google Books. Using Kalicube we aim to change that to a URL that Rand controls.

After you press the “Add Entity to Client” button, you will need to choose an Entity Subtitle and Entity qualifier word. If you don’t know the terms for entity-oriented search, Kalicube Pro defines the Entity Subtitle as below.

Meaning of “Qualifier” for entity-oriented search from the perspective of Kalicube Pro is shown below.

I have filled the Qualifier and Entity Subtitle sections with “Internet Marketer” and “SEO” values. I know that Rand Fishkin says that he is not an SEO anymore, but actually, he has a SaaS platform for Twitter Search Engine Optimization. In this context, he is not an SEO for Google anymore, but he is an SEO for Twitter. Thus, I used the word “SEO” for him, also since the entity home includes a book with the title of “SEO”, it will be easier the associate him to the SEO.

At the next step, there are two more things to be chosen, the “primary domain” and the “audience” of the entity. I have chosen “Sparktoro.com” as the main domain, and “Digital Marketers, SEOs, Influencers” as the main audience.
The primary domain is used by Kalicube for providing helpful advice about the most efficient ways to manage the Entity Identity in Google. The audience is used by Kalicube to better understand the context of the Entity so that the Kalicube algorithms can provide more appropriate suggestions for building topical relevance for the Entity.

At the bottom section, Kalicube suggested the correct category, which is impressive. I have chosen to accept Kalicube’s suggestion of “Business / Advertising” as Category for Rand Fishkin.

The last step to start the analysis of an entity with Kalicube Pro is entering the main Google references for the Entity. This is vital since Kalicube uses this to ensure it is “reading Google’s mind” accurately. Information here includes “Knowledge Graph ID (kgmid)”, “Wikipedia Article”, and “Wikidata URL”.

If you don’t know how to fill in Knowledge Info, Wikipedia Article, and Wikidata URL sections, you can use the Kalicube Pro’s Knowledge Graph Explorer.

When I use the Rand Fishkin within the Knowledge Graph Explorer of Kalicube Pro to analyze an entity, I see that there are multiple entities from Google’s Knowledge Graph. There are two Entities that are actually the same person. This is a problem for Rand Fishkin – Google thinks that there are two different Rand Fishkin… but we all know there is only one Rand Fishkin 🙂
You can click on the handy link provided by Kalicube Pro and check the result. Kalicube’s link uses the “kgmid” parameter value to see the entity’s ID and queries Google to see exactly what it has understood.

Above we see the Rand Fishkin Entity we would expect. But Google has created a duplicate because Rand appeared in a film. Google thinks there are two distinct Rand Fishkin. Films, music and other entertainment-related entities are very strong and this often throws a curve ball for Google. This is a major problem for any individual who has a near-or-far presence in the entertainments industry.

We know that this is from a movie-related entity because we have acknowledged the panel as below.

Kalicube Pro has already provided stunning insights. Google thinks there are two Rand’s when there is only one. Merging the two Rand Fishkin into one is a job Kalicube Pro does very well, as I know from personal experience.
This is a nice example of the need for “Entity Reconciliation”. Entity reconciliation is the process of uniting information on the web for the same entity from different sources to recognize the different profiles, and attributes of that specific entity.
Jason Barnard talks a lot about “Entity deduping”. WHat he means is that when Google sees two entities where it should see only one; it is our responsibility to clarify to Google that they are one and the same and encourage it to merge the two Entities.
In this context, Rand Fishkin has two “person” entities on Google’s Knowledge Graph, one is “actor”, the other one is “person without an extra qualifier”. There are different hierarchies in the entity types, an entity can be a person, but the occupation can be “Consultant”. Thus, in the Knowledge Panel of Rand Fishkin as just a person, we don’t have a subtitle, because he has books that can define him as an author, but also he is an entrepreneur, marketer, and influencer at the same time. If the search engine isn’t confident enough to give the entity a character, it won’t show an entity subtitle, and this lack of confidence to define the entity’s type will affect the shape of the SERP. When the Entity subtitle is clear for Google, for example “actor”, it will show a “video carousel”… but in this case, that is not the aim.
The non-actor Rand Fishkin is seen by Google as an entrepreneur, or business person and that means it can increase his prominence for certain types of industries, and groups of queries. In particular in the context of Sparktoro – below, you will see the SERP of Sparktoro for its brand name. Given his topical relevancy, Rand logically appears.

After analyzing Rand Fishkin’s possible gains from the Knowledge Panel Management in terms of SEO, we can continue to add Rand Fishkin to our Entity Group from Kalicube Pro, for regular analysis.

We have added the correct Knowledge Info or entity ID to the Kalicube Pro’s entity submission panel. And, we couldn’t add the Wikipedia Article, or Wikidata URL, because Rand Fishkin doesn’t exist in there. I guess it is because, Rand, doesn’t like Wikipedia, or Wiki-related platforms so much due to the misinformation on these platforms.
Lastly, we will need to choose the locations to track the knowledge panel of Rand Fishkin (Kalicube Pro allows five locations: multiple towns in one country or multiple towns in multiple countries).

This is because according to the language of the query, browser, or the local domain extension of Google, the knowledge panel can change because Google Knowledge Graph provides for the same entity in different languages with different contexts.
To give an example of language-dependent entity identity changes, you can check “Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR” from English and Turkish queries as below.
If you search “Koray Tugberk GUBUR” with only English characters, you will see the knowledge panel below.

And, I can tell that I even didn’t like the situation that “Pinterest of mine” appears there, but the search engine was able to pick that out because my Pinterest account only has things related to SEO and Python, also it has my own image. Thus, the search engine is confident enough. And, since at the “entity home” section we have the Linkedin, Search Engine has given my knowledge panel more source breadth and information angle. Below, you will see the knowledge panel result, only for the Turkish version of “Koray Tugberk GUBUR” which is “Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR”.

It has less information and dimension. But, as you can see, still the result is English, so still it can provide more information. Let’s use the Turkish version of my name for an entity search from Turkey.

Now, we have way much less information, and every dimension and subtitle is Turkish. Let’s use my name’s English written version from a Turkey-based search to see how the knowledge panel changes.

We also have “Holistic SEO & Digital” as the “related entity” within the knowledge panel side because my agency is more related to my name’s English version, and also it is located in Turkey. Thus, language and location detection to understand the query and the need behind the query are way much more effective than most SEO thinks. An entity can shift its context, profile, or relevance according to the location, and language. And, queries can be clustered with other queries for different entities from different knowledge domains based on different languages and locations. Klicube Pro provides an advantage to track all these angles from one place while examining all the minor changes, and how is the relevance scores are changing. Thus, adding the country section to the Kalicube Pro’s entity profile tracking system is important, for Rand Fishkin, we will use the United States since it (entity) takes its main popularity from the United States.

Kalicube Pro will want you to add also city information to the panel to track the entity from that location. I have chosen California, because when I check Keyword Planner for the query Rand Fishkin from the United States, California has the best possible volume for it. If the search demand increase, it will be easier to understand the knowledge panel and reputation management necessities, since the data will increase too.

The good thing is that Kalicube Pro lets a user add 5 different locations, in this context I have added 5 different cities from the United States, but also like in “Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR’s Knowledge Panel”, you can use the different countries, languages to see the changes. If the overall data for an entity is the same for all languages and regions, it means that the entity is prominent for that industry, and the search engine has more confidence in the identity of this specific entity.

Kalicube Pro encourages you to add “controlled domains” so that it can better track and analyse your control over the entity’s Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel.

At the last step, Kalicube Pro asks you to double check the information before you start tracking. As with most tools, you get most value when you have correctly set up the tracking.

After clicking the “turn on tracking”, you will see the message below. The Kalicube Pro process for the knowledge panel management and Brand SERP optimization has started !

Kalicube Pro shows a report section after completing the process, if you want to track extra entities in this group, you can add other entities too. Importantly, Entity Groups are not restrictive: they are simply a way to organise your work more effectively. Within an Entity Group, each entity is independent. You can create different entity types for every entity in the different entity groups, and you can track each entity from different places with different languages and use different qualifiers, subtitles, and extra information from the open web in the context of Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel optimization, and management.

Changing Tracking Information
Kalicube Pro has its own database for every registered entity and manages them to the smallest detail. Thus, if the user wants to change any previous information related to the entity, the “Manage Entity” section can be used at any time.

In the manage entity section, controlled domains, and entity-oriented search attributes such as “entity qualifier word”, or the “entity subtitle” can be changed. If the entity has a new Wikidata or Wikipedia URL, the user can update that information at any time. Further, if needed, the user can change the locations to track the brand SERP, and check the localised knowledge panel of the entity.

The Data: Where Can You Find the Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel Tracking in Kalicube Pro?
If you want to check and audit the Brand SRRP or knowledge panel daily, weekly or monthly, you can use the main menu of the Kalicube Pro to find the related section for auditing the information related to the entity (see below).
In the “tracking” section of Kalicube Pro, an SEO can understand how an entity is perceived, defined, and used by the search engine.
There are two different sections within the Kalicube Pro’s Tracking section, one is Brand SERP, the other one is for Knowledge Panel tracking and analyzing. In this example, first, we will focus on the Knowledge Panel information of Google for the entity that we have registered to the Kalicube Pro for the purpose of analyzing Google’s perception of it.

Kalicube Pro also gives the Knowledge Graph Algorithm Updates for everyone as below.

The last update of Google for Knowledge Graph Algorithm happened on 10th February 2022 according to Kalicube Pro. Knowledge Graph Algorithm updates can update the knowledge graph of Google, or the sources, entity profiles, relevance, and categorization to shape the Brand and Entity related SERP instances better through understanding the documents on the web and sourced data. Below, you will see how Rand Fishkin’s Knowledge Graph Score is for the last 9 months.

For the entity Rand Fishkin, for the last nine months, the score is under 100. This score shows Google’s confidence in its understanding of this Entity, which is often (not always) reflected in the entity’s prominence and its features’ richness and detail on the Brand SERP. For instance, if there is a subtitle, official URL, description, the overall score will be higher. In this case, the velocity graph increases and that suggests positive changes to the features, and existence of the Entity on its own Brand SERP.
Easily Visualising an Entity’s Knowledge Panel with Kalicube Pro
To see the Knowledge Panel’s prominence, detail and and score evaluation, one can use the “Hist. Knowledge Panel” page in the Knowledge Panel tracking section of Kalicube Pro as below.

Above, you can see the Knowledge Panel’s features have changed over the last 5 months in Boston, USA. From November to December we clearly see that Google has added both attributes and social profiles.
For Rand Fishkin’s Entity on his Brand SERP in New York, the scores and details are different. This amply demonstrates the variability of the representation of an Entity in different locations… and therefore why Kalicube Pro places so much importance on tracking in detail on a per-location basis.

Kalicube Pro presents the knowledge panel designs, information, and details from different regions with their view, explanation, scoring, and snapshot date as below. Kalicube Pro can show you this comparison for any single day, week or month. Astonishing.

We see that the weakest point for the specific entity is actually Boston and Los Angeles. To rectify this, one possible strategy would be to communicate better to the audience in Los Angeles: improving the relevance of the entity for the specific region can improve the entity’s overall prominence, and its relevance radius naturally. Pragmatically, at the Geo Knowledge Panel Section, Kalicube Pro gathers all of the information and shows them side by side so that making comparisons and identifying regionalised strategies is easier.

How to Check a Brand SERP with Kalicube Pro?
To check the Brand SERP with Kalicube Pro, the Brand SERP section should be used. The view is simple to understand for SEO professionals and their clients.

The Brand SERP example above is from Boston, Massachusetts. According to the SERP’s features and the sentiment of the results, Kalicube Pro will provide an algorithmically calculated SERP Quality score, and according to the Brand’s or Entity’s owner control, it will give a SERP Control score for the brand. The user can easily override the automated scoring in order to present a fully accurate analysis to their client.

Kalicube Pro offers multiple views- detailed view, compact view, quality overview and control overview. For example, here is the compact overview of the brand SERP quality in Boston.

The example below is just an analysis of the control the Entity has over their Brand SERP in New York, with details of theach result.

A user can click on any element as see the page behind it. Sometimes, the pages that appear on your Brand SERP are not from sites you like.

Tracking the Historical Changes on a Brand SERP
Checking the Brand SERP’s history with every detail can help an SEO to understand how a search engine perceives a brand and the latest updates about the specific brand. Tracking the Brand SERP features, and latest web pages is a part of Brand Reputation Management.

How to Set a Task for Brand SERP Optimization and Knowledge Panel Management?
To set a task for Brand SERP Optimization, and Knowledge Panel Management, the Kalicube Pro provides a Task Management system. In other words, if an SEO wants to remove or add a SERP feature, or improve the Brand SERP Control, or change information on the Knowledge Panel of the entity, they can take notes, and specifically, they can specify their purposes in a systematic way. Kalicube Pro can report these tasks’ status, and how SEO is close to achieving these tasks’ purposes. Below, you will see an example of task creation for taking a website’s place in the PAA questions to improve the Brand Control of the owner of the entity.

Changing PAA Questions can help an SEO to change the important facts, or attributes of an entity within the eyes of a search engine.
How to Perform an NLP Entity Analysis for Brand SERP with Kalicube Pro?
NLP Analysis for Brand SERP is a unique and very powerful feature of Kalicube Pro, and it can teach an SEO a new perspective. I have performed NLP Entity analysis or named entity recognition for the web pages that ranked for a particular document before, but this is the first time that I see an SEO Technology perform NLP Analysis from the extracted text directly from a Search Engine Result Page. In this context, below you will see the NLP Entity Analysis, or Named Entity Recognition, and Entity Resolution analysis of Brand SERP instance of Rand Fishkin via Kalicube Pro.
Kalicube Pro performs the Named Entity Recognition for the text extracted from the entity’s SERP instance, and if the entity is a named entity, it puts its link for its Brand SERP, and saliency score of the specific entity to the examined entity.

How to Evaluate the Entity Defining Process with Kalicube Pro
The entity defining process refers to making an entity clear to a search engine with its specified attributes, and information. To ensure that the correct owner is recognized by the search engine for the named entity, Kalicube Pro gives different tools and possibilities. Within the “Tasks” section’s Knowledge Panel Section, kalicube Pro provides a 6 step process, including steps where a user can define Entity Home, description, fundamental facts for an entity.
Steps 4 to 6 allow the user to use third party sources to corroborate and confirm the information you provide in steps 1 to 3.
What is the Terminology of Kalicube Pro for Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel Optimization?
The terms that Kalicube Pro uses to add an entity to the entity group for tracking and analyzing it with the perspective of entity optimisation for entity-oriented search can be found below along with their explanations.
- Entity Subtitle (the title for the entity we see in the Knowledge Panel)
- Entity Qualifier Word (a word that disambiguates the entity from other entities with the same name)
- Wikipedia Article (the URL of a WIkipedia article about the entity)
- Wikidata URL (the URL of a WIkidata entry dedicated to the entity)
- Additional Type (the URL of a WIkipedia page that describes what the entity “does”)
- Audience (the expected audience for the entity)
- Category (the category for the entity – this uses Google’s own categorisation)
- Entity Type (the type of entity – Person, Corporation, Book, Podcast etc)
- Entity Home (the single, official page that the users wants to use to represent the entity online)
- Entity Fundamental Facts (basic factual information about the entity)
- Entity Description (a clear description of the entity – what it is, what it does and who its audience is)
- Entity Triple (grammatical description using subject->verb->object structure – Rand Fishkin is an entrepreneur, for example)
How to Use Kalicube Pro for Knowledge Panel Management?
To perform Knowledge Panel Management with Kalicube Pro, there is an entirely different section step by step in the “Knowledge Panel” tasks section. In this part of the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization tutorial, we will focus on the Knowledge Panel improvement steps. Below, you will see an image that includes the names of the knowledge panel management steps from Kalicube Pro’s main menu, which are “Entity Home, Description, Fundamental Facts, Classify, Schema and Corroboration.

Entity home is defined before during the knowledge panel management tutorial, in this context, a person can re-define an entity home for the entity defining process. To do that the user should choose a single web page that the entity owner controls 100% so that Google can trust the information on the website to define the entity. Kalicube Pro suggests using an About page dedicated to the entity which is logical since it is solely about defining the entity while the homepage of the official site of the entity is actually defining the website itself. A third-party profile website or a blog also can be chosen to define the specified entity.

In this context, Kalicube has a list of suggestions. I have chosen Rand Fishkin’s Sparktoro Blog Author page.

With the submit button the entity homes can be submitted. And, Kalicube Pro invites users to write a description for the specified entity. While writing this description, Kalicube Pro also gives hints and methods to improve the context for the search engine. In the description section, writing a Subtitle, Short Description, and Description Extension is necessary.

Kalicube Pro wants users to write the most important attributes, facts, definitional information about the specific entity. In the description extension section, taking every fact, or preposition and making it extended with related extra information is necessary. Once it is done, the user can perform an NLP Analysis with Google’s own NLP API and Kalicube Pro. Below, you will see the NLP Analysis for the description that I have written.

Kalicube also has a very helpful functionality whereby it highlights the mentions of the entity Google’s NLP API has identified. This helps better understand how Google understands the entity in the context of your writing.

Kalicube Pro also interprets the output of the NLP Analysis as below.
Note: Since the 11th of August, although Google’s NLP API’s Demo stopped responding, the NLP Analysis on Kalicube Pro remains functional, which makes it an incredible resource. Kalicube Pro also offers as sandbox for testing.

The defined entities, entity types, main entity mentions, and most relevant items for the main entity are told by the Kalicube Pro. This process helps an SEO, and a user to understand how Semantic SEO works and how it can be implemented via sentences, entities, attributes, and facts for them.
The next step is adding the fundamental facts
Simply complete the fields as requested. These are the basic, important facts that Google wants and that Kalicube Pro will use for the Schema.org markup it generates for you.

Also, when you start to complete the entity-defining steps with Kalicube Pro, it also gives a kind of road map completion signal.

The next step is Classifying knowledge resources
Classification of the facts about the targeted entity is one of the most useful features of Kalicube Pro for the entity-defining process. Because it shows and classifies all of the web pages that affect Rand Fishkin’s Knowledge Graph presence. In other words, if a web page’s expressions about an entity affect the Knowledge Graph of the specific entity along with the Knowledge Panel, it means that the web page affects how the search engine perceives an entity.

To classify all of the web pages that are taken by the Kalicube Pro for defining an entity, Kalicube Pro has many filters. For instance, “review”, “profile”, “data source”, “webinar”, “video”, “mention”, “article contributed”, “invalid page”, “not this entity”, “spam”, “bucket”. All these different page types are for helping the SEO to understand what type of content exists within the SERP for the specific entity. Kalicube Pro provides an automated classification that is about 70% accurate. The user must manually confirm or correct the classification in order to be sure that the resulting entity-defining resources Kalicube analyses, and tracks are accurate.

Kalicube Pro shows the total result count, and result’s type, its contribution, and the “control possibility of the knowledge panel factor page” for the specific entity. In this context, Rand Fishkin has been defined as the “Founder of SparkToro” with his Moz user profile web page. This page is marked as “profile”. And, it can be used within the “Schema” of the specific entity.
At this point, the user may add a comment identifying anything that needs correcting. That comment will appear as a suggestion in the 6th step – corroboration.
Note: To create the automatic classification for the websites, and web pages in terms of their controllability, type, and their importance for the entity identity, Kalicube Pro has trained a machine learning model with semi-supervised methods. It required to audit tens of thousands of web pages and websites manually to give the machines the ability to differentiate websites, and web pages based on their prominence, and possible functions for entity identity.
To use a web page within the schema, Kalicube Pro actually gives the related hints at the beginning of the Classification of Facts section for the entity defining process.

When you confirm a classification that is made by the Kalicube Pro, that specific classification goes into the Corroboration Page section as below.

Opinion for Kalicube Pro Review: During this review, Kalicube Pro gave me many joyful experiences, and that’s why I decided to click everywhere that I have seen. I can tell you that, Jason Barnard has a great vision to classify the web pages on the web to define an entity.
If you click on the “edit classification” section for knowledge panel management process improvement, you will see many different web page types along with their explanations as below.

Another useful option is that Kalicube Pro gives a full list of all the pages it has found that relate to the entity. The user has a filter option for all the hundreds of entity-defining web pages. If you use the filtering bar to filter the entity-defining web pages on the web, you can try to consolidate the entity profile for different layers. For instance, if I want to define Rand Fishkin as an entrepreneur, I can try to use “entrepreneur” or “internet venture” words to filter the related entity defining pages for the knowledge panel shaping. For this facet of Rand Fishkin’s Entity, there are 32 pages I should focus on.

When you submit some of the pages to the Kalicube Pro system, it gives some advice before the submission.

Kalicube Pro suggests SEOs some actionable tips to affect the knowledge panel’s character for the targeted named entity. For instance, linking the entity home, mentioning the targeted named entity with the title, and subtitle that we have chosen, and using the “triple” on the page titles, or the web page content theme defining sections. At below, you will be able to see details and classification of the URLs that you have filtered to be used for the purpose of Knowledge Panel Management.

In the Schema Creation section, Kalicube Pro generates one of the best possible and efficient “person” structured data based on schema.org syntax rules.

Kalicube Pro uses the information that we have provided for the Knowledge Panel of the targeted entity in the context of the entity defining to generate optimal schema.org markup so that this entity-defining structured data can be added into the entity home. If the entity home has this entity-defining structured data, and if the other sources change their information based on this data, it means that the Search Engine will have a better confidence score to change the Knowledge Panel via its own knowledge graph.
Opinion: I can tell that Jason Barnard deserves multiple SEO medals to create such a strategy, and a new area for all SEOs with full of new concepts, and perceptions.
Kalicube Pro explains the importance of entity reconciliation, and consistent entity attributes facts and descriptions.

Kalicube Pro allows the user to add new corroboration pages that confirm the information on our entity description, and prominence.

Kalicube Pro Offers Entity Optimisation for Brand SERPs, Knowledge Panels, Entity SEO and Entity Identity
In this long and detailed summary of Knowledge Panel Management methods and vision of Kalicube Pro, the information for how to modify a knowledge panel of a named entity has been demonstrated. From classifying the information sources on the web, giving tasks, making comments, performing NLP Analysis for the named entity’s query results, writing descriptions, titles, subtitles, or tracking the results, changes, Kalicube Pro structures, and support every step of the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization.
Which Insights does Kalicube Pro Provide for Brand SERP and Knowledge Panel Optimization?
Kalicube Pro is the most extensive information source for Google’s own Brand SERPs and Knowledge Panels. It can track the Knowledge Panel information sources, or aggregate the data related to the Knowledge Panel instances of the named entities on the entity-seeking query results. Like checking an individual named entity’s Brand SERP in different locations, and over time in one location as shown here:

The platform also reports on knowledge panel changes over time and also based on a location (here we see Los Aneles, New York, Miami and Boston. In this case, the knowledge panels all contain the same information. For many names entities the information varies in different locations and should therefore be carefully monitored and managed.

Analysing a Brand SERP or Knowledge Panel in the Context of its Industry
Taking an entity in isolation is a start to managing Entity Identity, but it is not enough. It is vital to look at the entity in the context of similar entities in the same location and industry (what Kalicube calls Entity Equivalents).
Insights of Kalicube Pro with Visuals and Percentages for Entity-oriented Search
To find the Brand SERP, and Knowledge Panel insights with percentages, and actual data from 70,000 tracked entities, you can check the following section that Kalicube currently labels as EGC Insights (Entity, Geo, Category).

Kalicube Pro provides an itemised and prioritised list of the blue link sources as below.

Based on the insights that Kalicube Pro provides, the insights and information for the Knowledge Panel and Brand SERP optimization are listed below.
Industry Entity Equivalent Brand SERP Data:
- SERP Feature types based on different categories.
- Blue Links within Knowledge Panels (KP): information sources within the knowledge panels
- Social Platforms: the social media accounts of the named entities
- News Sources for a Person: the news sites within Knowledge Panels for the entities from the person type.
- Sites from Video Boxes for a Person: video sites for knowledge panels for the entities from the type person.
- People Also Ask Sources: Sources within the People Also Ask Questions’ answers.
- Image Sources: Image sources for the entities from the type person.
Industry Entity Equivalent Knowledge Panel Data:
- SERP Feature types: Knowledge Graph, See Results About, People Also Search For, Local Business Listing
- Subtitles: for which entities Google uses subtitles with what percentage
- Trusted Sources: sources that are used by Google for descriptions within the Knowledge Panel.
- Attributes: attributes of the named entity such as born, spouse (for a person), founder, revenues (for a company) and so on
- Entity Statements: People Also Ask questions within the Knowledge Panel, and the sources for the answers.
- Entities Right Rail: Entities that are the most related within the named entity’s query results. For instance, in the context of Rand Fishkin, Ann Handley, Jay Baer, Matt Cutts are the mostly visible other related entities within the knowledge panels.
- Entities Left Rail: Entities from the left hand side of the desktop SERP for entity-seeking query.
Brand SERP Data for the SEO Industry Provided by Kalicube Pro
The data below is from Kalicube Pro based on the Knowledge Panels, and Brand SERPs. This data can change daily, or monthly based on global Google Knowledge Graph Updates and individual Brand Perception.
1. SERP Features Brand SERP Data
You can find the SERP Feature data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- Image SERP Feature has the 54.80% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Related Search Feature has the 24.58% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Video has the 12.23% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Twitter Boxes Feature has the 3.44% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- People Also Ask Feature has the 2.69% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Related Entity Feature has the 0.69% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Rich Sitelinks Feature has the 0.49% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- News Feature has the 0.26% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Place Feature has the 0.26% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Find Results On Feature has the 0.23% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Podcast Feature has the 0.17% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
- Direct Answer Feature has the 0.17% share for the Brand SERP Features Data.
The visual version of the Industry Brand SERP Data from Kalicube Pro is below.

2. Blue Links within Knowledge Panels (KP)
You can find the Blue Links data from Kalicube Pro for Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- linkedin.com has the 13.78% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- crunchbase.com has the 8.70% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- twitter.com has the 7.20% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- facebook.com has the 5.96% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- instagram.com has the 3.45% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- bloomberg.com has the 1.76% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- youtube.com has the 1.24% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- wikipedia.org has the 1.12% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- topionetworks.com has the 1.12% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- medium.com has the 1.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- rocketreach.com has the 0.85% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- f6s.com has the 0.80% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- forbes.com has the 0.78% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- theorg.com has the 0.70% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- apollo.io has the 0.69% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- service.gov.uk has the 0.69% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- pinterest.com has the 0.69% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- relationshipscience.com has the 0.60% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- wallmine.com has the 0.58% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- muckrack.com has the 0.52% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- researchgate.net has the 0.48% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- google.com has the 0.41% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- imdb.com has the 0.38% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- marketscreener.com has the 0.36% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- zoominfo.com has the 0.35% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- comparably.com has the 0.30% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- amazon.co.uk has the 0.29% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- businesswire.com has the 0.28% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- angel.com has the 0.23% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- gartner.com has the 0.23% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- arounddeal.com has the 0.23% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- pitchbook.com has the 0.22% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- github.com has the 0.22% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- prnewswire.com has the 0.22% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- amazon.com has the 0.21% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- google.co.uk has the 0.20% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- bestdataprovider.com has the 0.20% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- b2b.getemail.io has the 0.20% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- yourstory.com has the 0.19% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- entrepreneur.com has the 0.19% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- easyleadz.com has the 0.17% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- goodreads.com has the 0.16% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- slideshare.net has the 0.16% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- justia.com has the 0.16% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- soundcloud.com has the 0.14% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- signalhire.com has the 0.14% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- wbresearch.com has the 0.14% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- execlibrary.com has the 0.14% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- contactout.com has the 0.13% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- 192.com has the 0.13% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- semrush.com has the 0.13% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- dblp.org has the 0.13% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- apple.com has the 0.12% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- lusha.com has the 0.12% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- theofficialboard.com has the 0.12% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- searchenginejournal.com has the 0.12% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- craft.com has the 0.12% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- vimeo.com has the 0.11% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- indiatimes.com has the 0.11% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- ungagged.com has the 0.11% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- generalassemb.ly has the 0.11% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- data-lead.com has the 0.11% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- techcrunch.com has the 0.11% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- adapt.io has the 0.11% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- companycheck.co.uk has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- weforum.org has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- flickr.com has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- wsj.com has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- opencorporates.com has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- quora.com has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- sched.com has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- nfx.com has the 0.10% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- omicsonline.org has the 0.09% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- behance.net has the 0.09% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- businessinsider.com has the 0.09% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- leadcandy.io has the 0.09% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- oreilly.com has the 0.09% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- searchengineland.com has the 0.09% of Blue Links
- golden.com has the 0.09% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- bizjournals.com has the 0.09% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- xing.com has the 0.08% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- hubspot.com has the 0.08% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- globenewswire.com has the 0.08% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- salary.com has the 0.08% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- app.dealroom.com has the 0.08% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- cnbc.com has the 0.08% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- owler.com has the 0.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- microsoft.com has the 0.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- thedrum.com has the 0.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- americanbanker.com has the 0.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- clarity.fm has the 0.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- podchaser.com has the 0.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- cbinsights.com has the 0.07% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- mit.edu has the 0.06% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- about.me has the 0.06% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- britannica.com has the 0.06% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- bbc.co.uk has the 0.06% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- lead411.com has the 0.06% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- checkcompany.co.uk has the 0.06% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.
- orcid.org has the 0.06% of Blue Links within the Knowledge Panels.

3. Social Platforms
You can find the Social Platforms data from Kalicube Pro for Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- linkedin.com has the 41.90% of the Social Platform spots.
- twitter.com has the 21.89% of the Social Platform spots.
- facebook.com has the 18.14% of the Social Platform spots.
- instagram.com has the 10.49% of the Social Platform spots.
- youtube.com has the 3.78% of the Social Platform spots.
- pinterest.com has the 2.09% of the Social Platform spots.
- google.com has the 1.24% of the Social Platform spots.
- soundcloud.com has the 0.44% of the Social Platform spots .
- tiktok.com has the 0.02% of the Social Platform spots.
- tumblr.com has the 0.02% of the Social Platform spots.

4. News Sources for a Person
You can find the News Sources data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- dailymail.co.uk has the 5.01% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- yahoo.com has the 3.11% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- foxnews.com has the 1.88% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- people.com has the 1.84% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- theguardian.com has the 1.72% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- usatoday.com has the 1.71% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- cnn.com has the 1.64% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- pagesix.com has the 1.54% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- screenrant.com has the 1.54% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- express.co.uk has the 1.22% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- cinemablend.com has the 1.22% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- rollingstone.com has the 1.15% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- nypost.com has the 1.02% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- hellomagazine.com has the 1.01% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- deadline.com has the 1.01% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- si.com has the 0.97% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- mirror.co.uk has the 0.91% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- eonline.com has the 0.91% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- variety.com has the 0.89% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- nme.com has the 0.80% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- nytimes.com has the 0.80% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- hollywoodreporter.com has the 0.78% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- cbssports.com has the 0.72% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- ew.com has the 0.72% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- hollywoodlife.com has the 0.66% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- ultimateclassicrock.has the com0.63% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- usmagazine.com has the 0.60% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- tmz.com has the 0.60% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- espn.com has the 0.59% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- independent.co.uk has the 0.58% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- thesportsrush.com has the 0.58% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- vulture.com has the 0.55% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- buzzfeed.com has the 0.54% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- collider.com has the 0.49% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- thesun.co.uk has the 0.47% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- hindustantimes.com has the 0.47% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- skysports.com has the 0.47% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- huffpost.com has the 0.46% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- nbcsports.com has the 0.46% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- geo.tv has the 0.45% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- blabbermouth.net has the 0.42% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- billboard.com has the 0.42% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- indiatimes.com has the 0.42% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- movieweb.com has the 0.42% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- newsweek.com has the 0.41% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- forbes.com has the 0.40% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- cnbc.com has the 0.40% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- avclub.com has the 0.38% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- sportskeeda.com has the 0.38% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- bbc.com has the 0.38% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- hiphopdx.com has the 0.38% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- thetimes.co.uk has the 0.37% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- wsj.com has the 0.37% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- ndtv.com has the 0.37% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- comicbook.com has the 0.37% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- cheatsheet.com has the 0.36% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- gizmodo.com has the 0.36% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- digitalspy.com has the 0.35% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- latimes.com has the 0.35% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- bbc.co.uk has the 0.34% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- today.com has the 0.34% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- businessinsider.com has the 0.33% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- scmp.com has the 0.33% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- harpersbazaar.com has the 0.32% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- vanityfair.com has the 0.32% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- nbcnews.com has the 0.31% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- indianexpress.com has the 0.31% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- faroutmagazine.co.uk 0.31% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- vogue.com has the 0.31% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- indiewire.com has the 0.31% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- hotnewhiphop.com has the 0.30% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- sky.com has the 0.30% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- nfl.com has the 0.29% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- washingtonpost.com has the 0.29% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- etonline.com has the 0.28% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- news.com.au has the 0.28% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- wrestlinginc.com has the 0.28% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- elle.com has the 0.28% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- tennisworldusa.org has the 0.27% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- telegraph.co.uk has the 0.27% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- apnews.com has the 0.27% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- insider.com has the 0.26% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- pitchfork.com has the 0.26% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- reuters.com has the 0.25% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- npr.org has the 0.25% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- slashfilm.com has the 0.24% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- justjared.com has the 0.24% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- buzzfeednews.com has the 0.24% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- cnet.com has the 0.24% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- abc.net.au has the 0.23% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- thespun.com has the 0.23% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- tvline.com has the 0.23% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- talksport.com has the 0.22% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- nydailynews.com has the 0.22% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- news18.com has the 0.22% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- cbr.com has the 0.21% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- metro.co.uk has the 0.21% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- dailystar.co.uk has the 0.21% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- townandcountrymag.com has the 0.20% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.
- menshealth.com has the 0.20% of the News Sources for a knowledge panel for the entities with the person type.

5. Sites from Video Boxes for a Person
You can find the Video Boxes data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- youtube.com has the 74.94% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- facebook.com has the 14.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- cnbc.com has the 2.40% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- vimeo.com has the 2.09% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- twitter.com has the 1 .01% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- dailymotion.com has the 0.31% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- ted.com has the 0.23% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- bnnbloomberg.ca has the 0.23% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- bloomberg.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- thebanker.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- cbsnews.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- bizjournals.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- indiatimes.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- digitalanarchist.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- mynewsdesk.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- chrissimmance.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- cnn.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- thecube.net has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- jasonbarnard.com has the 0.15% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- nbcnews.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- fftexpo.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- adage.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- yahoo.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- ivoox.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- vidyard.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- snaplogic.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- ellentube.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- forbes.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- illuminationwealth.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- sibos.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- entrepreneur.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- thetvoftomorrowshow.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- bbc.co.uk has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- shorttermrentalz.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- techcrunch.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- sfelc.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- globalnews.ca has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- challenges.fr has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- iapp.org has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- saastartups.org has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- giscafe.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- foresightgroup.eu has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- digitaltveurope.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- mileseducation.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- eurobuildcee.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- marsdd.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- ec.europa.eu has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- disrupthr.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- msnbc.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- btoes.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- theoystercatchers.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- psu.edu has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- thinkwithgoogle.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- crowdstrike.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- instagram.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- sky.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- ctia.org has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.
- customerlabs.com has the 0.08% share of the video boxes for the Knowledge Panels and the Brand SERPs.

6. People Also Ask Sources
You can find the People Also Ask data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- wikipedia.org has the 17.89% of the People Also Ask questions.
- forbes.com has the 6.32% of the People Also Ask questions.
- wallmine.com has the 4.56% of the People Also Ask questions.
- linkedin.com has the 2.81% of the People Also Ask questions.
- crunchbase.com has the 2.11% of the People Also Ask questions.
- britannica.com has the 1.75% of the People Also Ask questions.
- cnbc.com has the 1.75% of the People Also Ask questions.
- quora.com has the 1.05% of the People Also Ask questions.
- deloitte.com has the 1.05% of the People Also Ask questions.
- socialmediaexaminer.com has the 1.05% of the People Also Ask questions.
- neilpatel.com has the 1.05% of the People Also Ask questions.
- bbc.co.uk has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- loc.gov has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- adobe.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- fortune.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- npr.org has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- celebritynetworth.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- unqork.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- biography.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- gong.io has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- pbs.org has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- pwc.co.uk has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- mailchimp.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- economictimes.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- hedera.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- rocketreach.co has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- bloomberg.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- publicgoods.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- facebook.com has the 0.70% of the People Also Ask questions.
- aijcrnet.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- thehill.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- nairametrics.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- ford.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- itrevolution.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- closebrothers.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- millyuns.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- wsj.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- businesswire.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- dailytelegraph.com.au has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- thisdaylive.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- zkm.de has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- uwm.edu has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- closemotorfinance.co.uk 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- learnwithroota.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- thecardinalfacts.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- womenshealthmag.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- lexisnexis.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- fintechfutures.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- citycast.fm has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- businessofbusiness.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- virtualshoemuseum.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- closesavings.co.uk has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- wikitia.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- backlinko.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- famousbirthdays.io has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- healthline.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- bstrategyhub.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- reliablesoft.net has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- dnb.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- caknowledge.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- brightedge.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- howmuchisit.org has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- wiki.ng has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- king5.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- time.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- marketrealist.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- google.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- wordstream.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- lantzcc.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- wikibioz.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- latimes.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- usembassy.gov has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- chartwellspeakers.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- g2.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- financialpost.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- copyhackers.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- business-standard.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- acs.org has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- indianbureaucracy.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- moz.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- forbesindia.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- peterfisk.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- jacobmcmillen.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- fastcompany.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- dilipbuildcon.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- vedantu.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- upscpathshala.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- seowebfirm.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- comparably.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- listofceo.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- financesonline.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- thebalancecareers.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- thoughtco.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- vox.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- faithpopcorn.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- jpmorgan.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- digitalhill.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- whizsky.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- fool.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
- yourdictionary.com has the 0.35% of the People Also Ask questions.
7. Image Sources
You can find the image sources data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- linkedin.com has the 12.33% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- twitter.com has the 11.58% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- crunchbase.com has the 5.26% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- youtube.com has the 5.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- facebook.com has the 2.28% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- medium.com has the 1.58% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- pinterest.com has the 1.42% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- theorg.com has the 1.26% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- rocketreach.co has the 1.20% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- topionetworks.com has the 1.00% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- execlibrary.com has the 0.64% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- soundcloud.com has the 0.62% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- flickr.com has the 0.53% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- slideshare.net has the 0.49% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- wikipedia.org has the 0.47% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- researchgate.net has the 0.42% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- bizjournals.com has the 0.38% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- forbes.com has the 0.36% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- zoominfo.com has the 0.36% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- f6s.com has the 0.33% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- amazon.co.uk has the 0.33% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- radaris.com has the 0.30% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- github.com has the 0.28% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- vimeo.com has the 0.27% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- goodreads.com has the 0.27% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- quora.com has the 0.25% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- indiatimes.com has the 0.22% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- peekyou.com has the 0.22% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- owler.com has the 0.22% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- gettyimages.com has the 0.22% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- marketscreener.com has the 0.21% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- clustrmaps.com has the 0.21% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- bloomberg.com has the 0.21% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- businesswire.com has the 0.20% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- xing.com has the 0.19% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- alamy.com has the 0.18% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- cnbc.com has the 0.16% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- comparably.com has the 0.16% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- prnewswire.com has the 0.16% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- amazon.com has the 0.16% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- entrepreneur.com has the 0.16% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- techcrunch.com has the 0.15% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- foursquare.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- businessinsider.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- gartner.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- adweek.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- findagrave.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- wbresearch.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- imdb.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- wallmine.com has the 0.14% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- about.me has the 0.13% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- academia.edu has the 0.13% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- linkedin.cn has the 0.12% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- fandom.com has the 0.12% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- myspace.com has the 0.12% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- nuwber.com has the 0.12% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- angel.co has the 0.11% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- clarity.fm has the 0.11% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- slidetodoc.com has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- campaignlive.co.uk has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- martechseries.com has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- slideplayer.com has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- wikimedia.org has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- generalassemb.ly has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- listennotes.com has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- inc.com has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- mixcloud.com has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- yourstory.com has the 0.10% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- wordpress.com has the 0.09% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- dribbble.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- ft.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- mckinsey.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- drewaltizer.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- sched.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- ebay.co.uk has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- justgiving.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- shutterstock.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- weforum.org has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- etsy.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- contactout.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- nytimes.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- legacy.com has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- dailymail.co.uk has the 0.08% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- bbc.co.uk has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- strava.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- prweb.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- geekwire.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- thetimes.co.uk has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- blogspot.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- americanbanker.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- microsoft.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- audible.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- cisco.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- behance.net has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- gettyimages.co.uk has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- pressreader.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- zola.com has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- apollo.io has the 0.07% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- startupranking.com has the 0.06% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.
- zimbio.com has the 0.06% of the image spots on the SERP as a source.

8. Knowledge SERP Features
You can find the industry brand SERPs feature data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- Knowledge Graph appears at the 51.69% of the named entities with the person type.
- See Results About appears at the 43.60% of the named entities with the person type.
- Local Business Listing appears at the 4.72% of the named entities with the person type.

9. Subtitles
You can find the subtitles data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- Entrepreneur appears at the 5.38% of the named entities’ subtitles.
- Author appears at the 5.38% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Journalist appears at the 3.08% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Entrepreneur appears at the 3.08% of the named entities subtitles.
- Researcher appears at the 3.08% of the named entities subtitles.
- Executive appears at the 3.08% of the named entities subtitles.
- Journalist appears at the 2.31% of the named entities subtitles.
- Film Producer appears at the 2.31% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Businessman appears at the2.31% of the named entities subtitles.
- Economist appears at the 2.31% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Business Magnate appears at the 1.54% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Writer appears at the 1.54% of the named entities subtitles.
- Businessperson appears at the 1.54% of the named entities subtitles.
- Actor appears at the 1.54% of the named entities subtitles.
- SEO Consultant appears at the 1.54% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Atlassian appears at the 1.54% of the named entities subtitles.
- Footballer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Australian Businessman appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Software Developer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Executive Officer Of Netflix appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chairman Of The Board Of Directors Of Talend appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Government Official appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Executive Officer Of Apple appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- English Business Magnate appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Executive Officer Of Intuit appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- British Journalist appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- New Hampshire State Representative appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Yoast appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Executive Officer Of Adobe Systems appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- British Musician appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Businessman appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Caregiver appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Photographer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Indian Entrepreneur appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Executive Officer Of Alphabet appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Investor appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of DoorDash appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Tanzanian Television Presenter appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Chewy appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Zuora appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Argentine Entrepreneur appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- British Businessman appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Canadian Journalist appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Publicizer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Shopify appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Faron Pharmaceuticals Oy appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Box appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of SurveyMonkey appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Greta Bradman’s Husband appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- British Director appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Brazilian Businessman appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of MailChimp appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of ServiceNow appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Astronaut appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Belgian Engineer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Management Theorist appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of HubSpot, Inc. appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Interim CEO Of Solera Holdings appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Hungarian-American Publisher appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- German Art Historian appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Screenwriter appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Recruitment Company appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Customer Officer Of MailChimp appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Former Police Officer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Television Journalist appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Futurist appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Zoom appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Executive Officer Of Anaplan appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Dell Technologies appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- TV Actor appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Former Member Of The Bundestag appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Column Five appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Zscaler appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Broadcaster appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Belgian-American Actor appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- President Of Clever Girls Collective appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Canadian SEO Professional appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Norwegian Entrepreneur appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Chief Executive Officer Of Progress Software appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Internet Marketer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Malaysian Business Magnate appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Mexican Businessman appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Canadian Internet Marketer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Salesforce.com appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- English Angel Investor appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Mathematician appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Musician appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- American Doctor appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Romanian Footballer appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Musical Artist appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- Dutch Consultant appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.
- CEO Of Datadog appears at the 0.77% of the named entities subtitles.

10. Trusted Sources
You can find the trusted sources data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- wikipedia.org appears at the 60.95% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- google.com appears at the 10.06% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- crunchbase.com appears at the 5.33% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- linkedin.com appears at the 4.73% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- imdb.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- indiaspora.org appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- bookseriesinorder.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- intuit.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- frenchyentrepreneur.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- econsultancy.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- whatsyourgenius.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- balderton.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- routledge.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- businessbecause.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- tommyswanhaus.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- weforum.org appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- daltonluka.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- alfredhealth.org.au appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- lw.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- practicalecommerce.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- gartner.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- sky.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- kitcaster.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- udemy.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- mike-maddock.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- chewy.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- campaignlive.co.uk appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- hubspot.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- howdidshegetthere.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- pitchbook.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- yollay.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- thesun.co.uk appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- patreon.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- okta.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- thriveglobal.com appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.
- advantagesolutions.net appears at the 0.59% of the knowledge panels as the entity description’s source.

11. Attributes
You can find the attributes data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- Born appears at the 21.48% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Education appears at the 8.84% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Organization Founded appears at the 8.30% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Spouse appears at the 6.86% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Children appears at the 6.50% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Research Interests appears at the 4.87% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Books appears at the 4.33% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Net Worth appears at the 4.15% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Affiliation appears at the 3.07% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Parents appears at the 3.07% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Phone appears at the 2.89% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Address appears at the 2.17% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Organizations Founded appears at the 1.81% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Siblings appears at the 1.62% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Partner appears at the 1.62% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Died appears at the 1.62% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Nationality appears at the 1.44% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Movies appears at the 1.08% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Height appears at the 0.90% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Party appears at the 0.90% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- People Also Search For appears at the 0.90% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Founded appears at the 0.72% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Investor Stage appears at the 0.72% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Investor Type appears at the 0.72% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Board Member Of appears at the 0.54% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Citations appears at the 0.54% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- H-index appears at the 0.54% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Located In appears at the 0.54% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Awards appears at the 0.36% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Spouse(s) appears at the 0.36% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Citizenship appears at the 0.36% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Number Of Exits appears at the 0.36% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Office appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- TV Shows appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Great-grandparents appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Annual Salary appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Space Missions appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Number Of Employees appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Doctoral Advisor appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Founder appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Alma Mater appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Institutions appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Stock Price appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Place Of Birth appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- CEO appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Dates Joined appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Weight appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Headquarters appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Current Teams appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Subsidiaries appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Title appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Architects appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Architectural Style appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Director appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Plays appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Award appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Employer appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Works Written appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Primary Job Title appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Known For appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- BOARD MEMBERSHIPS appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Organization appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Previous Offices appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.
- Nominations appears at the 0.18% of the named entities with the type person as an attribute.

12. Entity Statements
You can find the entity statements data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- fandom.com has the 17.00% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- wikipedia.org has the 15.78% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- screenrant.com has the 6.33% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- starwars.com has the 2.52% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- cbr.com has the 2.13% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- yodasdatapad.com has the 1.60% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- openpsychometrics.org has the 1.45% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- sparknotes.com has the 1.22% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- pinterest.com has the 1.14% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- marvel.com has the 1.07% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- gamerant.com has the 1.07% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- amazon.com has the 1.07% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- wordplays.com has the 1.07% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- fictionhorizon.com has the 1.07% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- charactour.com has the 1.07% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- today.com has the 0.99% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- stilltasty.com has the 0.99% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- imdb.com has the 0.99% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- quotecatalog.com has the 0.99% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- tumblr.com has the 0.91% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- sideshow.com has the 0.91% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- calvinklein.us has the 0.91% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- si.edu has the 0.91% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- quora.com has the 0.84% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- marvelhq.com has the 0.84% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- dan.org has the 0.69% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- theculturetrip.com has the 0.61% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- handitv.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- siliconslopes.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- manofmany.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- trungnguyen.eu has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- allamericanreviews.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- levi.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- jackcityfitness.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- westeros.org has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- gearpatrol.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- newsday.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- m.independent.ie has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- esquire.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- hollywoodreporter.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- bustle.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- sciencedirect.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- dimensions.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- brobible.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- britannica.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- gamespot.com has the 0.53% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- wizardingworld.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- harley-davidson.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- harrypotterfanzone.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- bestarny.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- time.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- motorcycle-brands.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- vnprogis.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- theledgesports.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- imfdb.org has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- cheatsheet.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- bevoir.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- freshpair.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- elitedaily.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- bransonshows.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- claycoopertheatre.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- kidadl.com has the 0.46% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- samueladams.com has the 0.38% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- worldhistoryproject.org has the 0.38% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- chitaledairy.com has the 0.38% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- jackdaniels.com has the 0.38% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- eatdelights.com has the 0.38% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- bottledprices.com has the 0.38% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- cspinet.org has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- bestplaces.net has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- theseaofbooks.com has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- thebestnotes.com has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- army.gov.au has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- nationalgeographic.com has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- qualitypolicecollectibles.com has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- disabled-world.com has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- library.uu.nl has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- police1.com has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- luxe.digital has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- wright.edu has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- townandcountrymag.com has the 0.30% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- cdc.gov has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- danap.org has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- emathematics.net has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- hiconsumption.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- conejousd.org has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- northwestern.edu has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- mlb.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- virginiamason.org has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- wikibooks.org has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- siwawi.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- egypttoday.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- abc.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- weatherspark.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- livestrong.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- avalara.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- newhomesource.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- cuny.edu has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- yale.edu has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
- jetpetresort.com has the 0.23% of the entity statements data from Knowledge Panels on Google SERP.
13. Entities Right Rail
You can find the entities right rail of the SERP data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- SourceDominance
- Rand Fishkin appears at the 1.52% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Ann Handley appears at the 1.06% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Jay Baer appears at the 0.76% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Seth Godin appears at the 0.61% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Sundar Pichai appears at the 0.61% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Bill Gates appears at the 0.61% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Larry Page appears at the 0.46% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Brad D. Smith appears at the 0.46% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Larry Ellison appears at the 0.46% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Mark Zuckerberg appears at the 0.46% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Matt Cutts appears at the 0.46% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Jeff Bezos appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Dan T. Cathy appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Steve Ballmer appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Dharmesh Shah appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Anthony Pratt appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Naval Ravikant appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- David R. Skok appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Harry Triguboff appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Larry Kim appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Marc Benioff appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Dan Rather appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Lincoln Murphy appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Scott D. Cook appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Gary Vaynerchuk appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Tom Proulx appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Joe Pulizzi appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Andrew Forrest appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Bow Ruggeri appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Sasan K. Goodarzi appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Tim Ferriss appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Sergey Brin appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Brian Dean appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Satya Nadella appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Kevin Indig appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Cindy Krum appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Richard Branson appears at the 0.30% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- William Randolph Hearst appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Rainer Gawlick appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Holt McCallany appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Robert Ogden Barnum appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Rob Das appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Andrew Davies appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Theo Paphitis appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- LinkedIn appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Pradeep Rathinam appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Mike Cannon‑Brookes appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Carl F. Mela appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Ray Kurzweil appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Cynthia Breazeal appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Keith G. Block appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Melinda French Gates appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Stanley Tang appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Donald E. Ingber appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Olaf Lewitz appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- George Conrades appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- David Teten appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Claudia Gonzaga‑Jauregui appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Kashish Hora appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Dan Petrovic appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Anjali Pichai appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Stephen Barrie appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Adrian Cockcroft appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Sam Branson appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Joost De Valk appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Hasso Plattner appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Stefaan Vanhooren appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Joseph Oriel Eaton II appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Harvey Weinstein appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- David Fincher appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Suresh Vasudevan appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Hanna Rosin appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Shane Snow appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Katherine Ethel Pulitzer appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Charles Kane appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Pieter Van Der Does appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Mynette Louie appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Michael Baum appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Helen Mirren appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Duncan Bannatyne appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Walters People appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Tyler Sloat appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Kim Jackson appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Catherine Tucker appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- William Gibson appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Peggy Johnson appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Scott Farquhar appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Eric Wu appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Samir Mitragotri appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Alexey Krivitsky appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Marc Randolph appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Felix Shpilman appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Serpil Timuray appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Atman Panigrahi appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Gillian Muessig appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Kavya Pichai appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Naveen Jain appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Silvio Barzi appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Clare Sarah Branson appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
- Jim Hagemann Snabe appears at the 0.15% of the knowledge panel’s of named entities with the type of person from the business and advertisement related search terms.
14. Entities Left Rail
You can find the entities left rail of the SERP data from Kalicube Pro for the Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization in the context of SEO below.
- Knowledge Graph has the 51.69% share for the SERP’s of the named entities.
- See Results About has the 43.60% share for the SERP’s of the named entities.
- Local Business Listing has the 4.72% share for the SERP’s of the named entities.

How to Check the Named Entity SERP Industry Insights of Kalicube Pro?
To check the named entity SERP Insights of Kalicube Pro, follow the steps below.
- Choose the Insights section from the main menu of Kalicube Pro.
- Choose the Left or Right rail of the Brand SERP from the sub-menu of the “Insights” section of the Kalicube Pro main menu.
- Check the different SERP Features and aggregated data.
Below, you can see the graphical user interface of the Kalicube Pro’s Brand SERP Insight checker.

Brand SERP Insights of Kalicube Pro is important because it gives a chance to SEO to check which sources and features are more prominent for the chosen entity and its type on the web. To check other entity types from other industries, a new entity should be added to the entity group. By checking these sources, and features, an SEO can plan the brand reputation management or Off-Page SEO work, and knowledge panel management project.
What is the List of Categories for the Entities within Google Knowledge Graph?
Kalicube Pro also provides insights into all of the possible entity type categories from Google’s own knowledge graphs. Knowing these different categorizations is useful to understand how a search engine thinks, and classify things on the open web. The list of the entity type categories from Kalicube Pro based on Google’s own Knowledge Graph can be found below.
- Arts & Entertainment/Arts & Entertainment
- /Arts & Entertainment/Celebrities & Entertainment News
- /Arts & Entertainment/Comics & Animation
- /Arts & Entertainment/Comics & Animation/Anime & Manga
- /Arts & Entertainment/Comics & Animation/Cartoons
- /Arts & Entertainment/Comics & Animation/Comics
- /Arts & Entertainment/Entertainment Industry
- /Arts & Entertainment/Entertainment Industry/Film & TV Industry
- /Arts & Entertainment/Entertainment Industry/Recording Industry
- /Arts & Entertainment/Events & Listings
- /Arts & Entertainment/Events & Listings/Bars, Clubs & Nightlife
- /Arts & Entertainment/Events & Listings/Concerts & Music Festivals
- /Arts & Entertainment/Events & Listings/Expos & Conventions
- /Arts & Entertainment/Events & Listings/Film Festivals
- /Arts & Entertainment/Events & Listings/Movie Listings & Theater Showtimes
- /Arts & Entertainment/Fun & Trivia
- /Arts & Entertainment/Fun & Trivia/Flash-Based Entertainment
- /Arts & Entertainment/Fun & Trivia/Fun Tests & Silly Surveys
- /Arts & Entertainment/Humor
- /Arts & Entertainment/Humor/Funny Pictures & Videos
- /Arts & Entertainment/Humor/Political Humor
- /Arts & Entertainment/Movies
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/CD & Audio Shopping
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Classical Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Country Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Dance & Electronic Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Experimental & Industrial Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Jazz & Blues
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Music Education & Instruction
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Music Equipment & Technology
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Music Reference
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Music Streams & Downloads
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Music Videos
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Pop Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Radio
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Religious Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Rock Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Soundtracks
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Urban & Hip-Hop
- /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/World Music
- /Arts & Entertainment/Offbeat
- /Arts & Entertainment/Offbeat/Occult & Paranormal
- /Arts & Entertainment/Online Media
- /Arts & Entertainment/Online Media/Online Image Galleries
- /Arts & Entertainment/Performing Arts
- /Arts & Entertainment/Performing Arts/Acting & Theater
- /Arts & Entertainment/Performing Arts/Circus
- /Arts & Entertainment/Performing Arts/Dance
- /Arts & Entertainment/Performing Arts/Magic
- /Arts & Entertainment/Performing Arts/Opera
- /Arts & Entertainment/TV & Video
- /Arts & Entertainment/TV & Video/Online Video
- /Arts & Entertainment/TV & Video/TV Commercials
- /Arts & Entertainment/TV & Video/TV Shows & Programs
- /Arts & Entertainment/Visual Art & Design
- /Arts & Entertainment/Visual Art & Design/Architecture
- /Arts & Entertainment/Visual Art & Design/Art Museums & Galleries
- /Arts & Entertainment/Visual Art & Design/Design
- /Arts & Entertainment/Visual Art & Design/Painting
- /Arts & Entertainment/Visual Art & Design/Photographic & Digital Arts
- Autos & Vehicles/Autos & Vehicles
- /Autos & Vehicles/Bicycles & Accessories
- /Autos & Vehicles/Bicycles & Accessories/BMX Bikes
- /Autos & Vehicles/Bicycles & Accessories/Bike Parts & Repair
- /Autos & Vehicles/Boats & Watercraft
- /Autos & Vehicles/Campers & RVs
- /Autos & Vehicles/Classic Vehicles
- /Autos & Vehicles/Commercial Vehicles/Cargo Trucks & Trailers
- /Autos & Vehicles/Motor Vehicles (By Type)
- /Autos & Vehicles/Motor Vehicles (By Type)/Hybrid & Alternative Vehicles
- /Autos & Vehicles/Motor Vehicles (By Type)/Motorcycles
- /Autos & Vehicles/Motor Vehicles (By Type)/Off-Road Vehicles
- /Autos & Vehicles/Motor Vehicles (By Type)/Trucks & SUVs
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Codes & Driving Laws
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Codes & Driving Laws/Vehicle Licensing & Registration
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Parts & Services
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Parts & Services/Gas Prices & Vehicle Fueling
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Parts & Services/Vehicle Parts & Accessories
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Parts & Services/Vehicle Repair & Maintenance
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Shopping
- /Autos & Vehicles/Vehicle Shopping/Used Vehicles
- Beauty & Fitness/Beauty & Fitness
- /Beauty & Fitness/Beauty Pageants
- /Beauty & Fitness/Body Art
- /Beauty & Fitness/Cosmetic Procedures
- /Beauty & Fitness/Cosmetic Procedures/Cosmetic Surgery
- /Beauty & Fitness/Cosmetology & Beauty Professionals
- /Beauty & Fitness/Face & Body Care
- /Beauty & Fitness/Face & Body Care/Hygiene & Toiletries
- /Beauty & Fitness/Face & Body Care/Make-Up & Cosmetics
- /Beauty & Fitness/Face & Body Care/Perfumes & Fragrances
- /Beauty & Fitness/Face & Body Care/Skin & Nail Care
- /Beauty & Fitness/Face & Body Care/Unwanted Body & Facial Hair Removal
- /Beauty & Fitness/Fashion & Style
- /Beauty & Fitness/Fashion & Style/Fashion Designers & Collections
- /Beauty & Fitness/Fitness
- /Beauty & Fitness/Hair Care
- /Beauty & Fitness/Hair Care/Hair Loss
- /Beauty & Fitness/Spas & Beauty Services
- /Beauty & Fitness/Spas & Beauty Services/Massage Therapy
- /Beauty & Fitness/Weight Loss
- Books & Literature/Books & Literature
- /Books & Literature/Children’s Literature
- /Books & Literature/E-Books
- /Books & Literature/Fan Fiction
- /Books & Literature/Literary Classics
- /Books & Literature/Poetry
- /Books & Literature/Writers Resources
- Business & Industrial/Business & Industrial
- /Business & Industrial/Advertising & Marketing/Public Relations
- /Business & Industrial/Aerospace & Defense/Space Technology
- /Business & Industrial/Agriculture & Forestry
- /Business & Industrial/Agriculture & Forestry/Agricultural Equipment
- /Business & Industrial/Agriculture & Forestry/Forestry
- /Business & Industrial/Agriculture & Forestry/Livestock
- /Business & Industrial/Automotive Industry
- /Business & Industrial/Business Education
- /Business & Industrial/Business Finance
- /Business & Industrial/Business Finance/Venture Capital
- /Business & Industrial/Business Operations
- /Business & Industrial/Business Operations/Business Plans & Presentations
- /Business & Industrial/Business Operations/Management
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services/Consulting
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services/Corporate Events
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services/E-Commerce Services
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services/Fire & Security Services
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services/Office Services
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services/Office Supplies
- /Business & Industrial/Business Services/Writing & Editing Services
- /Business & Industrial/Chemicals Industry
- /Business & Industrial/Chemicals Industry/Cleaning Agents
- /Business & Industrial/Chemicals Industry/Plastics & Polymers
- /Business & Industrial/Construction & Maintenance
- /Business & Industrial/Construction & Maintenance/Building Materials & Supplies
- /Business & Industrial/Energy & Utilities
- /Business & Industrial/Energy & Utilities/Electricity
- /Business & Industrial/Energy & Utilities/Oil & Gas
- /Business & Industrial/Energy & Utilities/Renewable & Alternative Energy
- /Business & Industrial/Hospitality Industry
- /Business & Industrial/Hospitality Industry/Event Planning
- /Business & Industrial/Hospitality Industry/Food Service
- /Business & Industrial/Industrial Materials & Equipment
- /Business & Industrial/Industrial Materials & Equipment/Heavy Machinery
- /Business & Industrial/Manufacturing
- /Business & Industrial/Metals & Mining
- /Business & Industrial/Metals & Mining/Precious Metals
- /Business & Industrial/Pharmaceuticals & Biotech
- /Business & Industrial/Printing & Publishing
- /Business & Industrial/Retail Trade
- /Business & Industrial/Retail Trade/Retail Equipment & Technology
- /Business & Industrial/Small Business/MLM & Business Opportunities
- /Business & Industrial/Textiles & Nonwovens
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Freight & Trucking
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Mail & Package Delivery
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Maritime Transport
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Moving & Relocation
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Packaging
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Parking
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Rail Transport
- /Business & Industrial/Transportation & Logistics/Urban Transport
- Computers & Electronics/Computers & Electronics
- /Computers & Electronics/CAD & CAM
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Hardware
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Hardware/Computer Components
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Hardware/Computer Drives & Storage
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Hardware/Computer Peripherals
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Hardware/Desktop Computers
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Hardware/Laptops & Notebooks
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Security
- /Computers & Electronics/Computer Security/Hacking & Cracking
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics/Audio Equipment
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics/Camera & Photo Equipment
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics/Car Electronics
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics/Drones & RC Aircraft
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics/GPS & Navigation
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics/Game Systems & Consoles
- /Computers & Electronics/Consumer Electronics/TV & Video Equipment
- /Computers & Electronics/Electronics & Electrical
- /Computers & Electronics/Electronics & Electrical/Electronic Components
- /Computers & Electronics/Electronics & Electrical/Power Supplies
- /Computers & Electronics/Enterprise Technology
- /Computers & Electronics/Enterprise Technology/Data Management
- /Computers & Electronics/Networking
- /Computers & Electronics/Networking/Data Formats & Protocols
- /Computers & Electronics/Networking/Network Monitoring & Management
- /Computers & Electronics/Networking/VPN & Remote Access
- /Computers & Electronics/Programming
- /Computers & Electronics/Programming/Java (Programming Language)
- /Computers & Electronics/Software
- /Computers & Electronics/Software/Business & Productivity Software
- /Computers & Electronics/Software/Device Drivers
- /Computers & Electronics/Software/Internet Software
- /Computers & Electronics/Software/Multimedia Software
- /Computers & Electronics/Software/Operating Systems
- /Computers & Electronics/Software/Software Utilities
- Finance/Finance
- /Finance/Accounting & Auditing
- /Finance/Accounting & Auditing/Billing & Invoicing
- /Finance/Accounting & Auditing/Tax Preparation & Planning
- /Finance/Banking
- /Finance/Credit & Lending
- /Finance/Credit & Lending/Credit Cards
- /Finance/Credit & Lending/Credit Reporting & Monitoring
- /Finance/Credit & Lending/Loans
- /Finance/Financial Planning & Management
- /Finance/Financial Planning & Management/Retirement & Pension
- /Finance/Grants, Scholarships & Financial Aid
- /Finance/Grants, Scholarships & Financial Aid/Study Grants & Scholarships
- /Finance/Insurance
- /Finance/Insurance/Health Insurance
- /Finance/Investing
- /Finance/Investing/Commodities & Futures Trading
- /Finance/Investing/Currencies & Foreign Exchange
- /Finance/Investing/Stocks & Bonds
- Food & Drink/Food & Drink
- /Food & Drink/Beverages
- /Food & Drink/Beverages/Alcoholic Beverages
- /Food & Drink/Beverages/Coffee & Tea
- /Food & Drink/Beverages/Juice
- /Food & Drink/Beverages/Soft Drinks
- /Food & Drink/Cooking & Recipes
- /Food & Drink/Cooking & Recipes/BBQ & Grilling
- /Food & Drink/Cooking & Recipes/Desserts
- /Food & Drink/Cooking & Recipes/Soups & Stews
- /Food & Drink/Food
- /Food & Drink/Food & Grocery Retailers
- /Food & Drink/Food/Baked Goods
- /Food & Drink/Food/Breakfast Foods
- /Food & Drink/Food/Candy & Sweets
- /Food & Drink/Food/Grains & Pasta
- /Food & Drink/Food/Meat & Seafood
- /Food & Drink/Food/Snack Foods
- /Food & Drink/Restaurants
- /Food & Drink/Restaurants/Fast Food
- /Food & Drink/Restaurants/Pizzerias
- /Food & Drink/Restaurants/Restaurant Reviews & Reservations
- Games/Games
- /Games/Arcade & Coin-Op Games
- /Games/Board Games
- /Games/Board Games/Chess & Abstract Strategy Games
- /Games/Board Games/Miniatures & Wargaming
- /Games/Card Games
- /Games/Card Games/Collectible Card Games
- /Games/Card Games/Poker & Casino Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Casual Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Driving & Racing Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Fighting Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Music & Dance Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Sandbox Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Shooter Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Simulation Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Sports Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Strategy Games
- /Games/Computer & Video Games/Video Game Emulation
- /Games/Family-Oriented Games & Activities
- /Games/Family-Oriented Games & Activities/Drawing & Coloring
- /Games/Family-Oriented Games & Activities/Dress-Up & Fashion Games
- /Games/Gambling
- /Games/Gambling/Lottery
- /Games/Online Games/Massively Multiplayer Games
- /Games/Puzzles & Brainteasers
- /Games/Roleplaying Games
- /Games/Table Games
- /Games/Table Games/Billiards
- /Games/Word Games
- Health/Health
- /Health/Aging & Geriatrics
- /Health/Health Conditions
- /Health/Health Conditions/AIDS & HIV
- /Health/Health Conditions/Allergies
- /Health/Health Conditions/Arthritis
- /Health/Health Conditions/Cancer
- /Health/Health Conditions/Diabetes
- /Health/Health Conditions/Ear Nose & Throat
- /Health/Health Conditions/Eating Disorders
- /Health/Health Conditions/Endocrine Conditions
- /Health/Health Conditions/Genetic Disorders
- /Health/Health Conditions/Heart & Hypertension
- /Health/Health Conditions/Infectious Diseases
- /Health/Health Conditions/Neurological Conditions
- /Health/Health Conditions/Obesity
- /Health/Health Conditions/Pain Management
- /Health/Health Conditions/Respiratory Conditions
- /Health/Health Conditions/Skin Conditions
- /Health/Health Conditions/Sleep Disorders
- /Health/Health Education & Medical Training
- /Health/Health Foundations & Medical Research
- /Health/Medical Devices & Equipment
- /Health/Medical Facilities & Services
- /Health/Medical Facilities & Services/Doctors’ Offices
- /Health/Medical Facilities & Services/Hospitals & Treatment Centers
- /Health/Medical Facilities & Services/Medical Procedures
- /Health/Medical Facilities & Services/Physical Therapy
- /Health/Men’s Health
- /Health/Mental Health
- /Health/Mental Health/Anxiety & Stress
- /Health/Mental Health/Depression
- /Health/Nursing
- /Health/Nursing/Assisted Living & Long Term Care
- /Health/Nutrition
- /Health/Nutrition/Special & Restricted Diets
- /Health/Nutrition/Vitamins & Supplements
- /Health/Oral & Dental Care
- /Health/Pharmacy
- /Health/Pharmacy/Drugs & Medications
- /Health/Public Health
- /Health/Public Health/Occupational Health & Safety
- /Health/Reproductive Health
- /Health/Substance Abuse
- /Health/Substance Abuse/Drug & Alcohol Testing
- /Health/Substance Abuse/Drug & Alcohol Treatment
- /Health/Substance Abuse/Smoking & Smoking Cessation
- /Health/Substance Abuse/Steroids & Performance-Enhancing Drugs
- /Health/Vision Care
- /Health/Vision Care/Eyeglasses & Contacts
- /Health/Women’s Health
- Hobbies & Leisure/Hobbies & Leisure
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Clubs & Organizations
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Clubs & Organizations/Youth Organizations & Resources
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Crafts
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Crafts/Fiber & Textile Arts
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Merit Prizes & Contests
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Outdoors
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Outdoors/Fishing
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Outdoors/Hiking & Camping
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Paintball
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Radio Control & Modeling
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Radio Control & Modeling/Model Trains & Railroads
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Special Occasions
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Special Occasions/Holidays & Seasonal Events
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Special Occasions/Weddings
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Water Activities
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Water Activities/Boating
- /Hobbies & Leisure/Water Activities/Surf & Swim
- Home & Garden/Home & Garden
- /Home & Garden/Bed & Bath
- /Home & Garden/Bed & Bath/Bathroom
- /Home & Garden/Domestic Services
- /Home & Garden/Domestic Services/Cleaning Services
- /Home & Garden/Gardening & Landscaping
- /Home & Garden/HVAC & Climate Control
- /Home & Garden/HVAC & Climate Control/Fireplaces & Stoves
- /Home & Garden/Home & Interior Decor
- /Home & Garden/Home Appliances
- /Home & Garden/Home Furnishings
- /Home & Garden/Home Furnishings/Curtains & Window Treatments
- /Home & Garden/Home Furnishings/Kitchen & Dining Furniture
- /Home & Garden/Home Furnishings/Lamps & Lighting
- /Home & Garden/Home Furnishings/Living Room Furniture
- /Home & Garden/Home Furnishings/Rugs & Carpets
- /Home & Garden/Home Improvement
- /Home & Garden/Home Improvement/Construction & Power Tools
- /Home & Garden/Home Improvement/Doors & Windows
- /Home & Garden/Home Improvement/Flooring
- /Home & Garden/Home Improvement/House Painting & Finishing
- /Home & Garden/Home Improvement/Plumbing
- /Home & Garden/Home Safety & Security
- /Home & Garden/Home Storage & Shelving
- /Home & Garden/Home Swimming Pools, Saunas & Spas
- /Home & Garden/Kitchen & Dining
- /Home & Garden/Kitchen & Dining/Cookware & Diningware
- /Home & Garden/Kitchen & Dining/Major Kitchen Appliances
- /Home & Garden/Kitchen & Dining/Small Kitchen Appliances
- /Home & Garden/Laundry
- /Home & Garden/Laundry/Washers & Dryers
- /Home & Garden/Nursery & Playroom
- /Home & Garden/Pest Control
- /Home & Garden/Yard & Patio
- /Home & Garden/Yard & Patio/Lawn Mowers
- Internet & Telecom/Internet & Telecom
- /Internet & Telecom/Communications Equipment
- /Internet & Telecom/Communications Equipment/Radio Equipment
- /Internet & Telecom/Email & Messaging
- /Internet & Telecom/Email & Messaging/Text & Instant Messaging
- /Internet & Telecom/Email & Messaging/Voice & Video Chat
- /Internet & Telecom/Mobile & Wireless
- /Internet & Telecom/Mobile & Wireless/Mobile & Wireless Accessories
- /Internet & Telecom/Mobile & Wireless/Mobile Apps & Add-Ons
- /Internet & Telecom/Mobile & Wireless/Mobile Phones
- /Internet & Telecom/Service Providers
- /Internet & Telecom/Service Providers/Cable & Satellite Providers
- /Internet & Telecom/Web Services
- /Internet & Telecom/Web Services/Affiliate Programs
- /Internet & Telecom/Web Services/Web Design & Development
- Jobs & Education/Jobs & Education
- /Jobs & Education/Education
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Colleges & Universities
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Distance Learning
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Homeschooling
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Primary & Secondary Schooling (K-12)
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Standardized & Admissions Tests
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Teaching & Classroom Resources
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Training & Certification
- /Jobs & Education/Education/Vocational & Continuing Education
- /Jobs & Education/Jobs
- /Jobs & Education/Jobs/Career Resources & Planning
- /Jobs & Education/Jobs/Job Listings
- /Jobs & Education/Jobs/Resumes & Portfolios
- Law & Government/Law & Government
- /Law & Government/Government
- /Law & Government/Government/Courts & Judiciary
- /Law & Government/Government/Visa & Immigration
- /Law & Government/Legal
- /Law & Government/Legal/Bankruptcy
- /Law & Government/Legal/Legal Education
- /Law & Government/Legal/Legal Services
- /Law & Government/Military
- /Law & Government/Public Safety
- /Law & Government/Public Safety/Crime & Justice
- /Law & Government/Public Safety/Emergency Services
- /Law & Government/Public Safety/Law Enforcement
- /Law & Government/Public Safety/Security Products & Services
- /Law & Government/Social Services
- News/News
- /News/Business News
- /News/Business News/Company News
- /News/Business News/Financial Markets News
- /News/Gossip & Tabloid News/Scandals & Investigations
- /News/Health News
- /News/Politics
- /News/Sports News
- /News/Weather
- Online Communities/Online Communities
- /Online Communities/Blogging Resources & Services
- /Online Communities/Dating & Personals
- /Online Communities/Dating & Personals/Matrimonial Services
- /Online Communities/Dating & Personals/Personals
- /Online Communities/File Sharing & Hosting
- /Online Communities/Online Goodies
- /Online Communities/Online Goodies/Clip Art & Animated GIFs
- /Online Communities/Online Goodies/Skins, Themes & Wallpapers
- /Online Communities/Online Goodies/Social Network Apps & Add-Ons
- /Online Communities/Photo & Video Sharing
- /Online Communities/Photo & Video Sharing/Photo & Image Sharing
- /Online Communities/Social Networks
- /Online Communities/Virtual Worlds
- People & Society/People & Society
- /People & Society/Family & Relationships
- /People & Society/Family & Relationships/Family
- /People & Society/Family & Relationships/Marriage
- /People & Society/Family & Relationships/Troubled Relationships
- /People & Society/Kids & Teens
- /People & Society/Kids & Teens/Children’s Interests
- /People & Society/Religion & Belief
- /People & Society/Seniors & Retirement
- /People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy
- /People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy/Charity & Philanthropy
- /People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy/Discrimination & Identity Relations
- /People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy/Green Living & Environmental Issues
- /People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy/Human Rights & Liberties
- /People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy/Poverty & Hunger
- /People & Society/Social Issues & Advocacy/Work & Labor Issues
- /People & Society/Social Sciences
- /People & Society/Social Sciences/Economics
- /People & Society/Social Sciences/Political Science
- /People & Society/Social Sciences/Psychology
- /People & Society/Subcultures & Niche Interests
- Pets & Animals/Pets & Animals
- /Pets & Animals/Animal Products & Services/Pet Food & Supplies
- /Pets & Animals/Animal Products & Services/Veterinarians
- /Pets & Animals/Pets
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Birds
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Cats
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Dogs
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Exotic Pets
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Fish & Aquaria
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Horses
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Rabbits & Rodents
- /Pets & Animals/Pets/Reptiles & Amphibians
- /Pets & Animals/Wildlife
- Real Estate/Real Estate
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Listings
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Listings/Bank-Owned & Foreclosed Properties
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Listings/Commercial Properties
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Listings/Lots & Land
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Listings/Residential Rentals
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Listings/Residential Sales
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Listings/Timeshares & Vacation Properties
- /Real Estate/Real Estate Services
- Reference/Reference
- /Reference/Directories & Listings
- /Reference/Directories & Listings/Business & Personal Listings
- /Reference/General Reference
- /Reference/General Reference/Biographies & Quotations
- /Reference/General Reference/Calculators & Reference Tools
- /Reference/General Reference/Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
- /Reference/General Reference/Forms Guides & Templates
- /Reference/General Reference/Public Records
- /Reference/General Reference/Time & Calendars
- /Reference/Geographic Reference
- /Reference/Geographic Reference/Maps
- /Reference/Humanities
- /Reference/Humanities/History
- /Reference/Humanities/Myth & Folklore
- /Reference/Humanities/Philosophy
- /Reference/Language Resources
- /Reference/Language Resources/Foreign Language Resources
- /Reference/Libraries & Museums
- /Reference/Libraries & Museums/Museums
- Science/Science
- /Science/Astronomy
- /Science/Biological Sciences
- /Science/Biological Sciences/Neuroscience
- /Science/Chemistry
- /Science/Computer Science
- /Science/Earth Sciences
- /Science/Earth Sciences/Atmospheric Science
- /Science/Earth Sciences/Geology
- /Science/Ecology & Environment
- /Science/Ecology & Environment/Climate Change & Global Warming
- /Science/Engineering & Technology
- /Science/Engineering & Technology/Robotics
- /Science/Mathematics
- /Science/Mathematics/Statistics
- /Science/Physics
- /Science/Scientific Institutions
- Sensitive Subjects/Sensitive Subjects
- Shopping/Shopping
- /Shopping/Antiques & Collectibles
- /Shopping/Apparel
- /Shopping/Apparel/Athletic Apparel
- /Shopping/Apparel/Casual Apparel
- /Shopping/Apparel/Children’s Clothing
- /Shopping/Apparel/Clothing Accessories
- /Shopping/Apparel/Costumes
- /Shopping/Apparel/Eyewear
- /Shopping/Apparel/Footwear
- /Shopping/Apparel/Formal Wear
- /Shopping/Apparel/Headwear
- /Shopping/Apparel/Men’s Clothing
- /Shopping/Apparel/Swimwear
- /Shopping/Apparel/Undergarments
- /Shopping/Apparel/Women’s Clothing
- /Shopping/Auctions
- /Shopping/Classifieds
- /Shopping/Consumer Resources
- /Shopping/Consumer Resources/Consumer Advocacy & Protection
- /Shopping/Consumer Resources/Coupons & Discount Offers
- /Shopping/Consumer Resources/Product Reviews & Price Comparisons
- /Shopping/Entertainment Media
- /Shopping/Entertainment Media/Entertainment Media Rentals
- /Shopping/Gifts & Special Event Items
- /Shopping/Gifts & Special Event Items/Cards & Greetings
- /Shopping/Gifts & Special Event Items/Flowers
- /Shopping/Gifts & Special Event Items/Gifts
- /Shopping/Luxury Goods
- /Shopping/Mass Merchants & Department Stores
- /Shopping/Photo & Video Services
- /Shopping/Tobacco Products
- /Shopping/Toys
- /Shopping/Toys/Building Toys
- /Shopping/Toys/Die-cast & Toy Vehicles
- /Shopping/Toys/Dolls & Accessories
- /Shopping/Toys/Ride-On Toys & Wagons
- /Shopping/Toys/Stuffed Toys
- Sports/Sports
- /Sports/Animal Sports
- /Sports/College Sports
- /Sports/Combat Sports
- /Sports/Combat Sports/Boxing
- /Sports/Combat Sports/Martial Arts
- /Sports/Combat Sports/Wrestling
- /Sports/Extreme Sports
- /Sports/Extreme Sports/Drag & Street Racing
- /Sports/Fantasy Sports
- /Sports/Individual Sports
- /Sports/Individual Sports/Cycling
- /Sports/Individual Sports/Golf
- /Sports/Individual Sports/Gymnastics
- /Sports/Individual Sports/Racquet Sports
- /Sports/Individual Sports/Skate Sports
- /Sports/Individual Sports/Track & Field
- /Sports/International Sports Competitions
- /Sports/International Sports Competitions/Olympics
- /Sports/Motor Sports
- /Sports/Sporting Goods
- /Sports/Sporting Goods/Sports Memorabilia
- /Sports/Sporting Goods/Winter Sports Equipment
- /Sports/Sports Coaching & Training
- /Sports/Team Sports
- /Sports/Team Sports/American Football
- /Sports/Team Sports/Australian Football
- /Sports/Team Sports/Baseball
- /Sports/Team Sports/Basketball
- /Sports/Team Sports/Cheerleading
- /Sports/Team Sports/Cricket
- /Sports/Team Sports/Hockey
- /Sports/Team Sports/Rugby
- /Sports/Team Sports/Soccer
- /Sports/Team Sports/Volleyball
- /Sports/Water Sports
- /Sports/Water Sports/Surfing
- /Sports/Water Sports/Swimming
- /Sports/Winter Sports
- /Sports/Winter Sports/Ice Skating
- /Sports/Winter Sports/Skiing & Snowboarding
- Travel/Travel
- /Travel/Air Travel
- /Travel/Air Travel/Airport Parking & Transportation
- /Travel/Bus & Rail
- /Travel/Car Rental & Taxi Services
- /Travel/Cruises & Charters
- /Travel/Hotels & Accommodations
- /Travel/Hotels & Accommodations/Vacation Rentals & Short-Term Stays
- /Travel/Specialty Travel
- /Travel/Tourist Destinations
- /Travel/Tourist Destinations/Beaches & Islands
- /Travel/Tourist Destinations/Mountain & Ski Resorts
- /Travel/Tourist Destinations/Regional Parks & Gardens
- /Travel/Tourist Destinations/Theme Parks
- /Travel/Tourist Destinations/Zoos-Aquariums-Preserves
How to Test a Copywriting with the Google’s Perception via Kalicube Pro?
To test copywriting with Google’s perception of textual data via Kalicube Pro, the “Copywriting Test” tool can be used. Copywriting test tool is a technology of Kalicube Pro to use Natural Language Processing to recognize the named entities within the text and connect them to each other based on the context. Named Entity Recognition can be used to understand Google’s perception of specific entities by also checking Google’s own Knowledge Graph via its API. Below, you will see an example of the analysis of Google’s understanding of the copywriting text via Kalicube Pro.

The example for the copywriting NLP Analysis above shows that Kalicube Pro recognizes the entities within the copywriting, and it understands their saliency for the specific context. The example of copywriting for the Copywriting test with the Google Perspective is generated by AI for the “Finding an SEO Job” within the SEO Industry, and Kalicube Pro has chosen the most related entities for the specific context such as “SEO, US, Digital Marketing, Google”. At the same time, “Texas Christian University” has been chosen, because it shows that the specific university gives SEO Education. Kalicube Pro’s copywriting test tool can be used to understand search engine’s perspectives for specific textual data instances.
Last Thoughts on Knowledge Panel Management, Brand SERP Optimization and Kalicube Pro based on Holistic SEO
Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization are two important, and new concepts for SEO Projects. Managing a Knowledge Panel requires entity-oriented search understanding while optimizing a Brand SERP requires a vision of digital PR and digital marketing.
Kalicube Pro helps SEOs to understand the necessity of the knowledge panel management and the brand SERP optimization in the context of SEO by providing an extensive amount of insights for the Google Search Engine’s perspective, and perception. Knowledge Panel Management and Brand SERP Optimization are part of Holistic SEO which encapsulates Semantic SEO.
In the context of Semantic SEO, Kalicube Pro can be used to find which sources are more reliable, or which sources affect Google’s decision trees for named entities’ profiles more. These effective sources and features can be targeted by SEOs to improve the specific named entity’s relevance for a specific topic by implementing the necessary entity defining and reconciliation processes.
Brand SERP Optimization is a must for every SEO Project along with Knowledge Panel Management. Most brands do not have a knowledge panel, and their Brand SERP and Branded Query SERPs are full of complaints, and negative sentiments. These can affect how a Search Engine perceives a brand, and it can affect its E-A-T (Expertise-Authority-Trustworthiness). In this context, Kalicube Pro will continue to increase its value, and writing its most extensive and detailed review along with the Brand SERP Optimization and Knowledge Panel Management tutorials is an honor for the Holistic SEO & Digital.
The Brand SERP Optimization, and Knowledge Panel Management tutorial, and Kalicube Pro review will be continued to be updated in the light of new events, and information.
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