“aria-brailleroledescription” ARIA Label for Accessibility

The aria-brailleroledescription command identifies a human-readable, author-localized abbreviated specification for the part of the elements intended to be converted into Braille. The purpose of the attribute is to provide a specified description of a widget using Braille. Basically, the value of aria-brailleroledescription abbreviates the aria-roledescription attribute in order for it to be converted to braille. The developer can use it to identify the intention of non-interactive container roles. The aria-brailleroledescription can be used with elements that are valid ARIA roles or elements with inferred role semantics. The aria-brailleroledescription can be used with other aria Labels such as aria-roledescription.

What is the function of the “aria-brailleroledescription” ARIA Label?

The function of the aria-brailleroledescription attribute is to be able to abbreviate and shorten certain commands of the aria-roledescription for the purpose of translating them into Braille. The abbreviated version created by the aria-brailleroledescription is considered a human-readable, author-localized description for the element role. This attribute aims to improve the Braille interface’s overall user experience. However, its function can only be used with the presence of the aria-roledescription. 

What are the uses of the “aria-brailleroledescription” ARIA Label?

Listed below are the uses of the “aria-brailleroledescription” ARIA Label. 

  • Application role: this signals to assistive technologies that the particular content has elements that are not conformed according to an HTML or WAI-ARIA widget. 
  • Article role: The article specifies the ability of a certain part of a page that can stand alone as content on its own in a specified document or website. 
  • Banner role: defines global site header that such as logos and search features that are found at the uppermost part of a web page. 
  • Button role: Button roles are specified for elements that can be clicked and can trigger a response when clicked. Aria-brailleroledescription can help the screen reader to identify that the element is a button.
  • Cell role: the cell role attribute is able to specify an element in a cell or in a tabular container that does not contain column or row header information.

Example Uses of “aria-brailleroledescription” ARIA Label

Listed below are the example uses of the “aria-brailleroledescription” ARIA Label.

Following is an example showing the use of aria-brailleroledescription abbreviating the role of a repeated non-interactive “slide” container in a web-based presentation application.

<div role="article" aria-roledescription="slide" aria-brailleroledescription="sld" id="slide" aria-labelledby="slideheading">
<h1 id="slideheading">Quarterly Report</h1>
<!-- remaining slide contents -->
<div role="article" aria-roledescription="slide" aria-brailleroledescription="sld" id="slide" aria-labelledby="slideheading">
<h1 id="slideheading">Quarterly Report</h1>
<!-- remaining slide contents -->

The semantic <article> is given the role of “slide” by the aria-roledescription attribute. In Braille, the role is presented as “sld”. The “gra” is short for “graphic”, which is how the “image” role is shortened in Braille.

<article aria-roledescription="slide" aria-brailleroledescription="sld" aria-labelledby="slide1heading">
  <h1 id="slide1heading">Welcome to my talk</h1>
  <img alt="Me" src="images/me.jpg">

In this example, the role “gate” is given the aria-roledescription attribute. In Braille, the role is presented as “gte”.

<article aria-roledescription="gate" aria-brailleroledescription="gte" aria-labelledby="gate1heading">
  <h1 id="gate1heading">good morning</h1>
  <img alt="Me" src="images/me.jpg">

In this example, the role “grass” is given the aria-roledescription attribute. In Braille, the role is presented as “grs”.

<article aria-roledescription="grass" aria-brailleroledescription="grs" aria-labelledby="grass1heading">
  <h1 id="grass1heading">do not step on the grass</h1>
  <img alt="Me" src="images/me.jpg">

What is the related ARIA Label to “aria-brailleroledescription”?

The aria-roledescription attribute is related to the aria-brailleroledescription as both define a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element. The aria-roledescription command is essential when using the aria-brailleroledescription. The aria-brailleroledescription depicts an abbreviated version of the aria-roledescription being translated into Braille.

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“aria-brailleroledescription” ARIA Label for Accessibility

by Holistic SEO time to read: 3 min