Surprise, Suprise, or Surprize: Which one is Correct?

“Surprise,” “Suprise,” and “Surprize” are words that look and sound alike and are often misused, resulting in spelling and grammatical mistakes. Identifying when and which words are used in a sentence to deliver the correct message or information is essential. Proper usage of words like “Surprise,” “Suprise,” and “Surprize” in a sentence matters because one must convey factual and accurate information. Using the correct terms or phrases is very helpful, not just in daily life but even in content writing and marketing. Words are powerful, especially in marketing. “Surprie” is the correct spelling and form, and “Suprise” is a standard grammar error. “Surprise” comes from the PIE root which is “ghend” which means to take or seize. The spelling of the words is important. Spelling affects every aspect of content writing. Writers must be careful to choose the correct spelling of words to convey a message. Writers must have knowledge of the proper spelling of terms or words while writing good content. 

Listed below are the example sentences of the correct spelling of “Surprise,” “Surprize,” and “Suprise.”

  • “The party was a real surprise to the birthday girl.” The word “surprise” is used in a sentence to tell the audience that the party is unexpected for the birthday girl. 
  • “He spoiled the surprise.” The word “surprise” is used in the sample sentence to express that someone spoils the event. 
  • “He had a great surprize for his wife.” The word “surprize” is used in a sentence as an alternate spelling for the word “surprise.”
  • “It was a total surprize to see my old friend.” The word “surprize” is used in a sentence to express someone’s emotion. 
  • “She had a little suprise for her daughter.” The sample sentence is incorrect because of the spelling “suprise.” The spelling “suprise” is not accepted in any English dictionary. 
  • “She had a little suprise for her daughter.” The spelling “suprise” is incorrect, which makes the statement wrong. 

Which one is Correct, “Surprise,” “Suprise” or “Surprize”?

The correct way to spell the word is spelled as “Surprise.” The spelling ”Surprize” was once an alternative spelling. However, it is very rarely used nowadays. The spelling “Suprise” is not an acceptable way to spell the word “Surprise,” “Suprise,” and “Surprize” sound the same. However,  “Suprise” does not exist in any official dictionary. It is always considered spelled wrong. 

Writing the correct spelling of a word is necessary for every writing content. Every writer, especially beginners, asks, “How to Spell “Surprise” Correctly in the Present Continuous Tense?” The correct way of spelling the word “surprise” in the present continuous tense, is basically to spell the same word “surprise” and then add “ing” at the end. The spelling results as “S-U-R-P-R-I-S-I-N-G or “surprising.” Moreover, it is necessary for every content writer to carefully analyze the words used in a sentence. The real meaning changes when adding and removing letters in words. It is better to ensure that the audience receives the right message. 

What are the Correct Examples of “Surprise” in Sentences?

Listed below are the correct examples of “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” in Sentence.

  • John’s knowledge of extensively surprise me.
  • The fast growth of the town surprise us.
  • I have a surprise for you.
  • It is a pleasant surprise
  • It is a nice surprise

The incorrect spelling of the term “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” is “Surprise.” Recognizing that the word “Surprise” only with the letters “S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E” is the way to distinguish the correct form from the incorrect ones properly. The incorrect form is “SUPRISE” without the letter “R” before the letter “P” which makes it automatically incorrect. Observe the spelling differences properly to avoid grammatical errors in a sentence. A piece of wide knowledge of certain words is essential to have to avoid future errors. Familiarity with the terms helps to maintain error-free content. Furthermore, it is better that writers pay attention to the fact that “surprise” is only the correct way to spell the word.

How to Spell Surprise and Suprise” Correctly in Past Tense?

The past tense of the word “Surprise” is “Surprised.” The word has the letter “D” at the end to make it past tense. On top of that, the past tense “surprised” is more commonly used in American English. It is part of the English grammar rules that add the letter “D” or “ED” at the end of the root word “surprise” when spelled in the past tense form. For example, “She was very “surprised” when she saw his mother.” The example sentence indicates that the event happened in the past. 

The structure and context of the content affect by the utilized verb tenses. Verb tenses affect the verb form for grammar and content writing. Among various narrated events, the changes in verb tense help readers understand the temporal relationship. Verb tenses are essential always to be observed and used appropriately to avoid misinterpretation of information. Generally, verb tenses are consistently used for effect in content writing. It is essential to consistently use verb tenses throughout the content. 

How to Pronounce “Surprise”?

The pronunciation of the word “Surprise” is “sr-prize” which is completely similar to the pronunciation of the alternate spelling “Surprize.” The correct pronunciation of the word “surprise” is by pronouncing the first syllable “sur” is sounded as “sr” sound. The pronunciation of the first syllable is done by making a silent “u.” Moreover, the second syllable of the word “surprise” which is “prise” is sounded as “prize” sound. The word’s pronunciation varies depending on which dialect is being used. The pronunciation above is used for American English language and British English language. These two dialects are two universal languages used in every part of the world, and sometimes the word shares the same pronunciation of the words. 

How to Pronounce “Suprise”?

The word “suprise” is an incorrect spelling of the word “surprise.” The pronunciation of the word “suprise” is the same as how the correct spelling pronounce, which is “sr-prize.” The correct pronunciation of the word “suprise” is by pronouncing the first syllable “su.” It is sounded as “sr” sound. Following by the second syllable “prise” which sounded like a “prize” sound. Pronunciations differ in every country. People are more familiar with and uses the American English language rather than the British English language. 

What is the meaning of Surprise?

The word “Surprise” means an unexpected event, fact, or piece of news. It is an emotion that people have because of an unexpected event. The word “Surprise” comes from the Middle English “surprise” borrowed from the Middle French “Surprise. Which means “an overtake.” Nominal use of the past participle of Old French “sorprendre” which means “to overtake.” Sor- means “over” + “prendre” means “to take.”  

Listed below are examples with grammar, and meaning points of view using the word ”surprise” from important books, novels, and or poems. 

  • Surprise: The Poetics of the Unexpected from Milton to Austen: The book was written by Christopher R. Miller. It has been published last April 10, 2015. The book talks about the meaning of “surprise” in fiction. The meaning of the word “surprise” is primarily associated with an unexpected plot twist. 
  • Surprise: Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected: The book was written by Tania Luna and LeeAnn Renninger PhD. It has been published last April 7, 2015. The book used the word “surprise” to show the unexpected and unpredictable in their work. Additionally, the author mentioned in the book how workers surprisingly handle the unexpected happened in their work.  
  • Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life: The book was partially autobiography, published by C. S. Lewis in 1955. The work describes Lewis’s life from very early childhood until his conversion to Christianity in 1931. The book contains less detail concerning specific events than a typical autobiography. Although, it is not devoid of information about his life. 
  • Writing and Teaching for Surprise: The book was written by Donald M. Murray. It was published last 1984. The book is about how the teacher has been surprised by the students’ work. 
  • Surprise Me: Surprise me is a novel book written by Sophie Kinsella. Sophie’s novel is all about marriage. The author used the word “surprise” in her title because the story is all about revealing the secrets of husband and wife. 

What is the Etymology of Surprise?

The etymology of the word “surprise” borrowed from Anglo-French and Middle-French surprise(e). It is a noun use of the past participle of surprendre which means ”to seize, grasp.”  Furthermore, the word “surprise” was first used during the 15th century. The meaning “something unexpected” is recorded in the 1590s. It is being used by American people, British people, and other English-language countries. 

How to Use Surprise in sentence? 

Use the word “Surprise” in a sentence when expressing feelings about an unexpected event. The word “surprise” functions as a noun and a verb. It means an unexpected occurrence when acting as a noun. For example, “Mary told me she was paying her husband a surprise visit.” On the other hand, the verb of the word “surprise” means to occur suddenly and unexpectedly. It is to discover suddenly or act without warning. Additionally, it means to take unawares, startle or astonish someone. One of the synonyms or similar words for “surprise” is “shock.” An example of the word “shock” in a sentence is “Unable to function from shock, the student sat down on a rock overlooking the lake.” 

What are the Synonyms of Surprise?

Listed below are the synonyms of the word “surprise.” 

  • Shock: The word “shock” means to strike with surprise, terror, horror, or disgust; to cause to recoil; as his violence shocked his associates.
  • Amaze: The word “amaze” means to confound, as by fear, wonder, or extreme surprise. It is to overwhelm with wonder. Additionally, it is defined as to astound; to astonish greatly.
  • Startle: The word “startle” is defined as to excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension. It is to frighten suddenly and not seriously. Additionally, it means to alarm or to surprise.
  • Wonder: The word “wonder” is the emotion that is excited by novelty or the presentation to the sight or mind of something new, unusual, or strange. Additionally, it is a great, extraordinary, or not well-understood feeling.
  • Awe: The word “awe” is the emotion inspired by something dreadful and sublime. It is an undefined sense of the dreadful and the sublime.

Synonyms are words or phrases that have nearly the same definition as another word or phrase. It is a different word that have exactly the same meaning as other words. People often wonder the question, “Should I use a synonym of “Surprise?” if I do not remember the correct form?” The answer is, yes, writers must use the synonyms if it is accurate or grammatically correct. However, it is still better to still use the word “gist” when writing a sentence.

What to Know for Using “Surprise,” “Suprise,” and “Surprize” for Using in Content Writing?

  • Writers must know the meaning differences between “surprise” and other variations of the word “surprise.”
  • Writers must know the accent difference between “surprise” and other variations of the word “surprise.”
  • Writers must know the tense difference between “surprise” and other variations of the word “surprise.”
  • Writers must know the suffix difference for “surprise” and other variations of the word “surprise.”
  • Writers must know the prefix difference between “surprise” and other variations of the word “surprise.”

How to Fix Incorrect uses of Surprise in Content Writing and Marketing?

The spelling and the context of the word must be considered to fix the incorrect uses of the word “Surprise” in content writing and marketing. Content writing and marketing must use correct spellings and forms by thoroughly checking and proofreading. It is a must to distinguish the correct spelling of the word “surprise” before writing to avoid errors and incorrect use. There are factors and considerations to follow to avoid the incorrect uses of “Surprise” in Content Writing and Marketing. Firstly, to spell check and have it proofread. Most of the time, running an online spell check does not effective in getting up every mistake. It is better to take time to spell-check and proofread the work manually. Thirdly, to ask for help in reviewing the work. Ask a colleague to take a look at the content before publishing it. Sometimes, other people are able to notice errors more than the writer themselves. Apply any feedback and make changes to improve upon what is already been written. Fourthly, is to read the content from the start. It helps the writer read each sentence out of context and makes it easier for the writer to detect any errors. Lastly, use online tools to support writing.

What are the Other Mispelled Examples similar to “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize”?

Listed below are the misspelled words similar to “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize.” 

  • Occured, Ocurred, or Occurred: The terms “Occured” and “Ocurred” are both incorrectly spelled. Whereas the only correct spelling among these three words is “Occurred.” “Occured” and “Ocurred” are usually misspelled due to the confusion about whether the word has a double “C” or “R”, but in fact, it has both the two spelled twice. “Occured,” “Ocurred,” or “Occurred” are similar to “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize”, mainly because these words confuse the writers regarding which one is the correct spelling. 
  • Center or Centre: “Center” is a correctly spelled word under the standard American English language. On the other hand, “Centre” belongs to the standard British English language. The word “Center” is widely scattered worldwide and is much more used than “Centre.”  “Center” or “Centre” are similar to “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” because the words are misinterpreted as incorrect forms.
  • Until, Till, and Til: “Until” is the standard and formal spelling, the most commonly used word among the three. Meanwhile, “Till” is the correct spelling, but the older version of the word “Until.” It is rarely used nowadays, compared to “Until.” Whereas “Til” is the shortened version of “Until” and is usually used in poems and other creative writings. “Until,” “Till,” and “Til” are similar to  “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” due to the presumption that only the words “Until” and “Gist” are the correct forms. 
  • Payed or Paid: “Payed” is a correct spelling, but is not commonly used by English writers. “Payed” is utilized in the context of nautical conversations or discussions. On the other hand, “Paid” is another correct form that is more usual and is widely used in the financial and business fields. “Payed” or “Paid” are the same as “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” as the words are thought to be different, especially in grammar structure, but it shows only minimal distinctions. 
  • Labeled or Labelled: “Labeled” is a correct spelling and is the most commonly used compared to “Labelled.” “Labeled” is a part of the American English language which means “the act of attaching a label to something, particularly a product.” Whereas “Labelled” is the correct form and is the least popular. “Labeled or Labelled” are similar to “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” mainly because the words confuse the writers regarding which one is the correct spelling.  
  • Colour or Color: “Colour” is a word that is correctly spelled that pertains to the property featured by something producing several distinct sensations on the eye as a consequence of the way the object reflects or emits light.” “Colour” is a British English word. On the other hand, “Color” is an American English word and is more popular in text and conversation compared to “Colour”. “Colour” or “Color” is the same as “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” because these words confuse the writers regarding the correct spelling. 
  • Purposely vs Purposefully: “Purposely” is spelled in a correct manner, which has the meaning of “on purpose.” “Purposefully” is a word spelled correctly that means, “full of purpose.” The word “Purposely” vs Purposefully” has similarities with “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” because the words are commonly used incorrectly in content writing. 
  • Busses or Buses: “Busses” is the other word for the plural form of “Bus”, but is not popular, which makes it misinterpreted as an incorrect form. On the other hand, “Buses” is the most commonly used word for the plural form of “Bus.” “Busses” or “Bus” means “more than one bus is present.” 
  • Happy New Year, New Year’s, or New Years: “Happy New Year” is a correct spelling that refers to the common phrase being stated at the end of a particular year and facing a new one. “New Year’s” is an incorrect phrase since it has an apostrophe, which is inappropriate as it indicates possession. The phrase “New Years” has a correct structure and pertains to two or more years that have not existed before. The word “Happy New Year, New Year’s, or New Years” has similarities with “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” because these words are used incorrectly in content writing. 
  • Truly or Truely: “Truly” is a correctly spelled word that means “in a truthful way.” Whereas “Truely” is an incorrect form of “Truely” which is a common mistake made by non-native English users and novice writers. “Truly or Truely are similar to “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize” because the words confuse the writers. Content writers are confused regarding which one is the correct spelling.  
  • Mustache or Moustache: The word “Mustache or Moustache” are similar to the traditional misspelling “Surprise”, “Suprise”, and “Surprize.” The word “moustache” is the traditional spelling in British English. On the other hand, the term “mustache” is the standard and correct spelling in American English. “Mustache” or “Moustache” only differ between are only in the kind of English that is used to spell them. 
  • Dragged or Drug: “Dragged” and “Drug” are two words often confused because both seem like variations of the verb drag, which means pull. However, “Dragged” or “Drug” both have separate meanings and spellings. “Dragged” is the past tense of the regular verb “Drag,” meaning to move something by pulling it along with effort or difficulty. “Drug,” on the other hand, is a medication or any psychoactive substance
  • Judgement or Judgment: The word “judgement” is the traditional spelling in British English, while “judgment” is the standard and correct spelling in American English. The single thing that differentiates the use of both words is the particular dialect in which country people are in. The words “judgement” or “judgment” is the correct spelling words, as the words both mean a similar thing. 

The list above is a few examples of homophones. Homophones are crucial to understanding. The word that is homophones sounds the same when spoken, but has different meanings. Additionally, there are instances where words sound identical to their identical part. However, the words lack any linguistic significance or value. The spelling of words is variable. Differentiating the words correctly are sometimes difficult or which words to use. American and British English have contrasting ways of how words are spelled. Words that sound the same to another are frequently misheard and written incorrectly. Generally, spelling errors occur because people lack understanding when it comes to writing rules. 

How does Writing “Surprise” wrong affect SEO and Content Marketing?

The wrong writing of “surprise” affect SEO and content marketing negatively. The wrong spelling and form of the word “surprise” in a particular sentence of content marketing make its quality inferior compared to the other competitors. Poorly-written content has a low ranking on the search engine because the ranks are based on the quality of the content. The content quality depends on the words and the information contained in content marketing. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows content marketing to thrive in the search engine. However, it is being hindered by the incorrect writing of “surprise.” On the other hand, the User Experience becomes less interesting and satisfying as readers are confused and unable to get the needed information. Therefore, to avoid negatively affecting SEO and UX, the content marketer must be able to write the word “surprise” correctly. An excellent content writer must be aware of the E-A-T in SEO. E-A-T refers to Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Content writers must exhibit proper usage of words, such as “surprise”, “suprise”, and “surprize” to have the content writer’s articles rank up in the search engine. Therefore, content writers must know the target readers to know what word is supposed to be used. The content is able to have a higher E-A-T score. Thus, influencing Google or search engine ranking. Furthermore, Google ranks the page better based on the algorithm, assuming that the content is providing value.  There is an SEO guide that a writer needs to consider to have a better ranking on Google pages. On the other hand, giving quality experience for the users, building trust, and forming a good relationship with customers help the site from ranking better. Next is to link the content whether websites with relevant content. Additionally, the website must be secure and accessible. Moreover, the website must be mobile-friendly. 

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Surprise, Suprise, or Surprize: Which one is Correct?

by Holistic SEO time to read: 14 min