“aria-rowspan” ARIA Label for Accessibility

The aria-rowspan is an attribute that defines particularly the row spanned by a cell or a gridcell, treegrid, or table. The purpose of aria-rowspan is to let the assistive technology understand the size and span of the row information that will be relayed to the user. The developer can use aria-rowspan to enable the screen reader or user to learn the foundation of the table clearly how many rows are spanned and other useful information. The aria-rowspan can be used with the elements such as grid, gridcell, treegrid, and cell, but it will not be used or contained in a native HTML table like table headers and table data. The aria-rowspan can be used with other aria labels such as aria-rowindex and aria-colspan as they are used to define the table or grid.

What is the function of the “aria-rowspan” ARIA Label?

The function of aria-rowspan is to deliver precise information to the user about the span of the row and the structure of the table, with the help of assistive technology. Developers must define the value of the aria-rowspan’ cell can be more than 1 or equal, then if define more than one row the value should be less than 1 or equal to the number of rows. The aria-rowspan can be more useful than a native table element, the attribute is flexible in providing the exact span of rows that is providing the assistive technology an edge to relay the right information to the user. Though aria-rowspan is not part of the native HTML table, it can use the grid and cell to define the row span, the whole layout is not affected as it only defines the accessibility tree.

What are the uses of the “aria-rowspan” ARIA Label?

Listed below are the uses of the “aria-rowspan” ARIA Label. 

  • Cell role:  It is a value that is defined by an attribute to identify an element as being a cell in a table that does not have a column and row or header.
  • Columnheader role:  It is a value that is defined by an attribute to identify an element as a cell in a row that has a header content for a column, the same as the native table header.
  • Rowheader role: It is a cell that contains header information of a row beneath the structure of a grid, table, or treegrid.
  • Grid role: It is for the element widget that has more than one row of cells, the position of the cell can be navigated using the keyboard cursor.
  • Treegrid role: It identifies a grid element that expanded rows and collapsible columns, the same characteristics as the tree.

Example Uses of “aria-rowspan” ARIA Label

Listed below are the example uses of the “aria-rowspan” ARIA Label.

Though aria-rowspan is not part of the native HTML table, it can use the grid and cell to define the row span, the whole layout is not affected as it only defines the accessibility tree.

<th>Monthly Savings</th>
<th>Monthly savings for holiday!</th>
<td rowspan="1">£40</td>
<td rowspan="1">£20</td>
<div role=”table”>
<div role=”row”>
<div id=”sd” role=”cell” aria-rowspan=”2″>This is an example of row span</div>
<th>Month of</th>
<th>Monthly Salary</th>
<th>Monthly expenses</th>
<td rowspan="1">£40</td>
<td rowspan="1">£50</td>
<th>Number of apples</th>
<th>Apples ate</th>
<td rowspan="1">2</td>
<td rowspan="1">3</td>
<th>Product price</th>
<td>Lemon Juice</td>
<td rowspan="1">£0.30</td>
<td>Egg Sandwich</td>
<td rowspan="1">£1.10</td>

What are the related ARIA Labels to “aria-rowspan”?

Listed below are the related ARIA Labels to “aria-rowspan”.

  • aria-colspan: The aria-colspan is related to the aria-rowspan because they are both used in grid and tree grid roles. The aria-colspan is used to define the number of column-span within the table element that is not related to the native HTML element.
  • aria-rowindex: The aria-rowindex is related to aria-rowspan because they are both used in row and cell roles. The aria-rowindex is an attribute used in defining the cell or row position or its index in accordance with the total quantity of rows on a table, grid, or treegrid.
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“aria-rowspan” ARIA Label for Accessibility

by Holistic SEO time to read: 4 min